Tuesday, November 29, 2016

CSR2 Secret tune to win every live race and strategy to win $1,000,000 in 5 minutes

CSR2 Secret tune
In this video I will show you how to win every live race you enter. I will also show you how to get your opponent to accept 200K max bets 90% of the time and win millions of dollars in a short amount of time. Using this method, I have gone on win streaks of 20+ races earning 200K a race and making $1,000,000 every 10 minutes give or take depending on how many racers challenge me. All you need is a Ferrari F12 Berlinetta for this tune.

Chek out my channel for other car tunes or comment below to suggest a car for my next video The exact upgrades you have fitted do not matter as much as the tune. The most important upgrades to have fitted are stage 5 tires and transmission, and 2, 3, or 4 body. I've used many different upgrade combos and successfully won every live race at $200k per race so the upgrades aren't extremely important. Now for the most important part, the tune.

You want to tune it to the highest possible evo score, then slide tires to 100 grip and final ride anywhere from 2.0-3.0. You can see here that I have a 14.267 Dyno, but with this tune, I can beat that by about 1.5 Seconds which is what allows me to win every live race. Pay close attention to the take off and shift times and the time that I use my nitrous, Play the video at half speed to see the exact times for take off, shifting and nitrous. Ill test run one more time so you can get a better idea of when to take off, shift and use nitrous.

You're gonna want to lose your first race on purpose and try to race close to your dyno instead of beating it. This will give you an idea of how fast the racers in the lobby are. I see that he just raced a 13.994, And I know that I can race around a 12.7 So I know that I'm in the right lobby. Now you want to change your name to something like 200K per Race or MAX BETS ONLY and wait for someone to challenge you.

This is the best way to get racers to accept max bets because the see your name so most of the time, only racers who are willing to bet that much will challenge you The rest of the video is just videos of me winning multiple races in a row with high stakes. You can win 20+ races before losing any, but eventually the lobby will get too hard. Click the i in the upper right hand corner to watch the video on how to get back into lobbies you will dominate Then go into a lobby and lose a few races on purpose, then exit lobby and reenter. Do this until you find a lobby racing times that you know you can beat.

Thank you for watching. Comment below if you would like me to teach you how to do this with a different car.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Conan Unveils His Superhero Vehicle- CONAN on TBS

Conan Unveils His
Hey, this is pretty exciting. Last year, you may recall, I premiered a superhero suit at Comic-Con, blew everyone away. Well, this year we're taking it to the next level. A superhero needs his ride.

He needs to get around. I am going to build a super-vehicle, and I'm going to do it with the help of these guys, West Coast Customs.
(Applause) They are the people that design cool cars. They did things for Mad Max. They did a Batmobile.

They've done 30, count 'em, 30 custom cars for Shaquille O'Neal, which is probably why he's doing all those Icy Hot commercials.
(Laughter) When the heat is on, the pain is gone. Anyway, the point is this. I need a vehicle. We're gonna design it today, build it, take it to San Diego for Comic-Con.

Sign of the devil, woo!
(Applause) Makes no sense. I'm going. This is pretty exciting. This is the guy who runs the joint, Ryan.

Ryan, how many years have you been working on to customize cars? About 27 years now. 27 Years. Just give me a rough estimate. What is something like this gonna cost this guy? Ballpark.
Between 50 and 75 grand.

I got a bit of a budget today. Okay. Did they tell you?
No. We're looking to spend about $400.

(Laughter) That's so cool. (Laughter) This looks dangerous.
Yeah, it's probably-- This Smurf looks like. Was this Smurf struck by the car, and rolled up over the top? He looks like he's bleeding internally, and he's not gonna make it, and this one's a sociopath that doesn't care. (Laughter) Hey Ryan, what do you think? Could this be my superhero car? Okay, tell me.

Conan, there's been a bank robbery. You've got to get there right away. Yeah, Conan, there's been a bank robbery. You gotta get there right away.

You've gotta give it a little more urgency than that. I'm sorry, sorry.
It's a bank robbery. There's a bank robbery going on right now. You need to get there right away.

You gave it a little too much. Let's take it down a step. One more time. Just say there's a bank robbery, we got-- There's a bank robbery going on right now.

You need to get there. Still not satisfied, but okay. I'll get them. (Laughter) Oh, jeez.

Oh, god. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Hold on.

There's nowhere for this foot to go. Shut the door. (Laughter)
Shut the door. This doesn't really instill fear, does it? God, who fits in this? This is like the Kevin Hartmobile.

(Laughter) Hey, wait a minute. Now we're talking. This could be the skeletal frame of what we do, right? Right. You know what I like? It's got no door.

I just jump in. The knees come up a lot, but we can adjust the seat maybe. We can move the seat back. 'Cause right now, this doesn't feel like, "I'll get you, evil-doers!" This is crazy.

This paint job right here. Fast boat, kind of reminds you of fishing. It reminded me of a whore (laughter) more than a fast boat, but yeah, we'll go with yours. Okay.
Yours is a better association.

I wish I hadn't said whore, but I did. (Laughter) That one's outta the... That one's out. So this is Musa.

Musa does, basically takes everything out of my mind and puts it on paper. And then this is Lorenzo to make sure everything gets done. Is it Musa? Musa.
Okay. Say it again, Musa? Musa.
Now you got it.

Gentlemen, let's start hearing some ideas. Women want to have sex with Conan in this car. Men fear this car. Animals want to be hit by this car.

(Laughter) I don't know why I added that, just something I thought of. Is there a way we could get a sneak peak of this dark uniform you wear? Gentlemen. Behold. (Cheers) We want to get this image in, the hair.

Mm-hmm. Okay? Don't sketch yet, Musa. Just think.
All right. Think, then sketch.

This is something we should talk about. Yeah, the package.
The package. Yeah. This is an exact duplicate of my own extremities.

I want to also draw your attention, gentlemen, to the ass.
(Laughter) Now, again, it is sculpted. You could crack walnuts with this thing, and frankly I have.
Oh. You just, you really just, just grab it. Musa, come here, come here.

Just get in here beside it and just grab that. You see, now that's a man's ass. Yeah, why would you do that? [Ryan] Why would you? That's-- You can say no, Musa. I'm wondering if there's some sort of a (exhales) shape, and let's not be afraid to go with it.

Is there any point, maybe in the front of the car, where there's a desk right here with a microphone, you know what I'm saying? I want to say something. I know you've built some cars for some pretty big celebrities. I'm not just another celebrity coming in who wants a car. I know the boy from the Sopranos called you last week, and had you, you know, make him a custom something.

Okay, fine, he was good. Don't know how he's doing now, but he had his day, but I'm not that kid. What's his name? Find out Research, and flash it up. [Announcer] Robert Iler.

There you go.
(Laughter) Excellent. Let's do it. (Tense music) (cheers) (heroic music) Behold! You've got the hair. You've got the talk-show desk inside.

Cup-holder. Check out that hood ornament, everybody. (Cheers) Look at the flying cape in the back. What car has that? (Cheers) And last but not least, the bulge horn.

Look at this bulge horn right here, ladies and gentlemen. (Horn rawrs) (horn rawrs) (horn rawrs) (cheers).

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Big Toy Box Clean Up.Time for a Toy Donation.

Big Toy Box
Ok guys. Today I cleaned out the bottom of the toy chest. And I got all this stuff. What were going to do is take it all out..

Dump it out, put them in these bags, and go donate them. Alright. Sounds good! Yea! Alright guys, ready to dump it? Yea! Alright, dump it over. Alright, lets see what's in here.

Go ahead and open one of these bags up. Put the toys in there. We got a robot dinosaur. What are those guys.

He has got a Brachiosaurus and a T-Rex Ok, What else. What's This? It's like a handle or something. Probobly trash. No kids would want to play with just a handle.

Here is a nother one. Dinosaur fossil bones? What about this? Like one of those spinners? A top? Thats cool. Put it in the bag. What is this? Looks like a dumpster toy.

Cool helicopter. Look at that. We got like a wolf from Minecraft. Lets see what we got next.

Alright. We got this cool cement truck here. Ok, put that in the bag. What's this? Looks like a web shooter.

Except it doesn't have any bullets. It does have a bullet. I saw a bullet in here. Lets find the bullet.

Put it on the side so we don't loose it. I found a cool bulldozer toy. I found a pirate sword. And a pirate patch.

Look at this Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus. Kids will definitely play with this. I found a flash light. I don't think it has batteries.

Look. Lego Guy? Yea. Found like a squishy orca. A ball.

I found Batman. Oh. Let me see that thing.  Thats cool.

I found a dinosaur. Look at this. I'm going to eat you! Here's Batman. Bye Batman.

Into the bag. Here's a baby. Who plays with the baby. I don't know.

Your sister? Yea. There you go. A rock? You can't donate a rock. I found like this spikey thing.

Arrrr Mateys! I think this is the bullet... Oh there is the bullet. We have got some really cool motorcycles. I found a bunch of these.

Look at this. Hi! Found this car. A monkey. A horse.

Police car. Got a lizard. Do you want to sing your song? Hahahahaha. No song? A lot of cars.

A goat. Frog We got a genie lantern. This is one of those penguin guys. We got a little smashed penny.

Where is it from? Wildlife World. Wildlife World? We got an electric eel.  What is that? What did you find? Pachycephalosaurus My fist looks like a hedge hog. What is that? Like a spiked glove? Yea.

Here bud. Blow on that. Blow on it. Here is another cool thing I found.

Alright. Were getting cleaned up here. Look at this guy. Weird thing.

We got one bag done by the way too. Look at that weird thing. What is this guy like humpty dumpty or something. Alright, We got 2 bags full.

Take them to the donation place? Yea. Alright, got that one? There's one. Alright, say bye toys. Bye.

Thanks for watching. Please subscribe for more fun..

Sunday, November 6, 2016

BED SLEDDING BEHIND A CAR + Unlimited POPCORN Life Hack w Nerf Toy (FUNnel Vision Donate VlogSkit)

There is this one thing I've always wanted to do. You see, this house has popcorn ceilings. *AIR9HORN* Do we see this room in here? It is time that we finally turn this room into something good. Something great.

It's time to donate more than half of everything in here. Let's see how far we get. So, here's a little before. Then, let's wait for the after.

We're almost there, we're not quite done. We're still gonna do some more organizing. But for the most part all the garbage is outta here right Chase what happened?! What do ya mean this room is so messy what who said that. Oh WHAT DID YOU DO? OH in here? We made some progress.

HEY EY. Don't try to take any toys that we're donating these! We got these cool storage containers that'll house our train track and will hold lots of- Lots of cool stuff Like Hey Shawn! AWW who's not feeling good? Alright, we're all loaded up! Alright, going to drop off some donations You know what though? I feel like Santa Clause Let's do this right..... I gotta make a phone call. Oh still in camera mode, hah! A O Uncle Crusha Need your help dog! UNCLE CRUSSSHHHAAA! WUT UP MAN? I need your help.

Whats up? May I introduce, Santa's sleigh So how do I look? Bruh you know It's not Christmas anymore right? It's always Christmas my BROTHA HOP IN THE CAR. Whatever. BUCKLE UP. THERE'S NO BUCKLES! OH SNAP! ON DASHER, ON DANCER, ON BLITZEN, I'M CHRISTIAN, UNCLE CRASHER LET'S GO.


Got all these donations right here. Official Santa Clause, Now listen, serious note now- I'm a firm believer in-a in donating So If you guys got some junk don't throw it in the trash, put it in the back of your car, find a local Goodwill- any type of donation center and GET IT TO PEOPLE THAT NEED IT. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. WHAT ARE DOING? I am untying it NAH DUDE, LEAVE IT LEAVE IT I'M GONNA RIDE ON THIS THING.

LET'S GO! YOU BROKE MY BED MAN! What are you gonna sleep on now? What are we gonna sleep on? *Laughter* CHARIOT *more laughterr* That's it that's a wrap. Going home. I'm just kidding. We still got a thumbnail to plan.

We just had to stop at the OLD HOUSE. We gonna see if we can find anything here? Yeah we're gonna see- a- anything else to donate. ANYTHING? A-ANYTHING. Got them new carpets up in here! LOOKING FOR SOME STUFF TO DONATE! YEAH! I can donate this lightbulb.


Found me a NERF gun. What is not here to donate. But there's this one thing I've always wanted to do, You see, this house has popcorn ceilings. POPCORN CEILING.

(SLOW-MO) POPCORN CEILING. Gonna have to fix that... You got to shake these off your shoulders Welp, ain't gonna let this go to waste. UNCLE CRASHER.

YEAH! GOTTA GET SOME POPCORN DOG! DUDE, what did you do? Get down here, help me eat this. *Some talking with mouth full* Try this one! That was good. Try this one! WE DONE! Thanks for watching! How fun was that? Good Job everybody, Have fun ok? Peace out everybody HAVE. A FUN.