My advice to you, son - changeyourways! Change your ways, change your ways! Grumpy old grandpa car. Hey, Orange car. - What's your name?
- Zack. - Do you want to get out of here, Zack?
- Of course I do! Well, we can help you.
Hey, Ace. I think weve found the third guy we needed to help us make an escape. Well done, Biff. Now our plans can come to life! [LAUGHING] One door out! Two more to go.
[LAUGHING] Were here! All available units respond. There is a bank robbery in progress. Ten-Four! Let's get those bad guys! Police, don't move! Turn off your engines right now! You are under arrest! Its you again! Sorry cop, but weve got to go! Today is not your day, Mr. Cooper.[LAUGHING] Lets go guys.
We have what we need. Now we must split up - Nice job, Cooper! You were very brave but you should've waited for backup!
- Sorry, Chief. Now, there are three fugitives on the loose, and they managed to rob the bank! All police units in my office right now! Listen up, team! Three dangerous criminals are on the loose. Their names are Zack, Biff, and the mastermind, Ace! I want them caught! I want them back behind bars! This city is only for good cars! Thanks to our latest intel we know Biffs hideout.
We are sending our Special Vehicles and Tactics team to capture him. You and Sergeant Cooper are going after our old friend, Zack. - Sergeant Carter!
- Yes, Sir! Your team is going after the boss, Ace! I want him back behind bars! Okay team, be safe out there. Go get those bad cars! [RADIO] The suspect is considered extremely dangerous.
Be alarmed! [RADIO] The GPS tracker detected the movement. [RADIO] Can you confirm the target? Over. [RADIO] Boys, take him. Move.
Move! You'll never catch me! [RADIO] Mission accomplished! Be alert. Zack should be somewhere around here. There he goes! Let's get him! Well, Zack. I guess you did not learn your lesson the first time.
Now you definitely will! - [DISPATCH] All units respond. I need backup. The suspect is driving towards the port.
- Ten-Four! - Pull over right now!
- No way, cop. You will never catch me! [LAUGHING] [LAUGHING] [LAUGHING] I think hes on that ship! Youll never catch me, Cooper![LAUGHING] - Surrender, Ace!
- Never! Looks like this is it, Cooper! [LAUGHING] Not this time! [SCREAMING] - Well done, Cooper!
- Thank you, Cooper! No problem! Just doing my job as a police officer.
My name is Sergeant Cooper and I am a Real City Hero!.
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