Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Celebrity Baby or Car Name (GAME)

Celebrity Baby or Car Name (GAME)
Can we tell the difference between
a baby and a car? Let's talk about that! (Theme music) Good Mythical Morning! Now, we all know that celebrities name
their babies weird names. That's why as an aspiring celebrity,
I named my kid Lando. -Oh, good job.
-But, as it turns out, there's a whole other category of people
that name their babies weird names: Car manufacturers. -But those babies are cars.
-Oh, yeah! So, it's a little easier to understand.

In fact, some of these names are so weird on both sides of this coin that sometimes it's indistinguishable to know whether or not
you're talking about a car or a celebrity baby name. And we're gonna figure out just
how close that is by playing 'Is That the Name of a
Celebrity's Spawn, or Something I Park on My Lawn?' All right, we're gonna be
presented with a name and then we have to decide:
Is it a baby or is it a car? We're both gonna vote. We're gonna
get a point for each of those. In later rounds, -it's gonna be mixed up a little bit.
-Ooooh! We'll open up other options besides cars.

But they'll always be
celebrity baby names. And here's what's at stake:
the winner of this actually gets...We have a birth
certificate here that will be filled out. We will get to name each other's
next child. If I win, I get to name your next child
and vice versa.

There's a lot on the line. Yes, there is! Alright Stevie, give us the first name. (Stevie) Okay. Is this a baby or a car? (Stevie) "KYD" with a 'Y".

How could that be either? Well, it could be a kid. -Why would you...
-That would be entirely appropriate You'd never get confused, -That would be stupid.
-"KYD! Come here!" -That would be--I'm not gonna say stupid
-"Is that your kid?" -I already did, but...
-"Yeah it's my kid. His name is Kyd" "And is it spelled with a Y?" -"You betcha it is!"
-"Because...I certainly hope it is" Alright....Alright. This is my answer, because
it's so logical to me.

Let us see it! (Stevie) Okay, it is a baby! BOOM! We're both right. -David Duchcovny.
-Oh, mysterious. -Way to go, got a little X-Files
-Because he's on the X-Files (Stevie) Okay "Pee-Up"...Is that how you say that? (Stevie) "Pup", I believe. "Pup"..."Pee-Up", okay.

-I think I know... Is it an--It might be an instruction. (Laughter) -Which way should I...? Down, or?
-When in doubt, PEE UP! -Okay.
-Oh, hmm.. I'm all over this.

Apostrophe? Eh, I don't think
you do that in a car. -(Stevie) Alright, it is a car!
-I've driven one of these. Jason Keenan had one of
these in high school. -But it has an apostrophe in it?
-Yeah the little...

-The lil' pup?
-It's a love P'up. Yeah, 1982 Isuzu.
You've been in that thing. -You should be ashamed.
-Well, I didn't read it.

-Ha ha, he called it "The Pup"
-I didn't read the outside. -(Stevie) Okay, "Lettuce". You're kidding me. Okay.

That is a food.
That is not an option, though -Lettuce.
-Lettuce... Somebody would name--because, Lettuce
could mean, like. "Well, she", it's gotta be a she,
she's...She's like, "She doesn't have a lot of flavor,
but she's really good for you." (Crew laughs) She's going to be great to hang out with.

"She's a boring car, but she's safe.
That could also be a thing" Yeah, true, true. -(Stevie) Alright. - Gotta be a baby. We agree on this right?
- Mhm -(Stevie) And it is a...Car! -OH! Gosh.
-What? -Mitsubishi Minica Sixth Generation?
-What, did it run off of lettuce? -What was the catch?
-It's not even green! It was like a "Back to the Future" thing,
you stuffed heads of lettuce in there.

Actually, I hope they had a green
version, at least. I betcha people painted it green. It doesn't say "Lettuce" on the side,
what's that say? Something in another language? It's lettuce in another language? "Lettuce" by any other language
is still "Lettuce" Okay, "lettuce" move on.
(Forced laughter) -(Stevie) What about "Bongo Friendee"? -Oh, gosh.

-(Crew laughs) That's cool! That's a first and middle
name--two names. "What are my two favorite things, Barb?" "Well, the bongos, one of 'em" -"And your friendees!"
-"And we're best friendees" "All your friendees are coming over, to get in a circle, and you're
gonna play bongos." "Well, then we should name our child that..." A car with two names is
compensating for something. I don't know, that'd be a fun car. (Australian accent) You want to ride
in my Bongo Friendee? It's only got half a seat! -You can't have a bad time.
-It's like, it has to look weird.

You can't have a bad time in
that car, though. Well, it only has half a seat, so,
it's not comfortable. Gosh, my instinct is child. My instinct is child, but I feel like I've
gotta go with something else on this one.

-But, you know what?
- I'm already there  -I've got good instincts.
-Alright, so do I. -(Stevie) And... -Yeah!
-OH gosh. -Look at that it's got..
-I've got horrible instincts! Oh! It "boingos" a "friendee" on top! (Crew laughs) That's what it is.

It's a four-wheel drive! You can get some friendees in there. Get some friendees for some friendlies. Can live in a van down by the river.
A bongo-- Live in my Bongo Friendee.

-(Stevie) What about "Banjo"? What about it? I've always wanted to
learn how to play one. They say it's a lot like the guitar,
Just a little bit different. And rounder. Now I could--this is the first one that...
I don't know.

I could go either way on this one. This, I would name my kid "Banjo" It's a good name for a child. But Banjo kind of has a reputation
of being like, backwoods. -You know the whole, "Deliverance" thing.
-It seems too derogatory to be...

-...A truck name, though. -Hm? Does it?
-'Cause it'd have to be like, a little truck.
"Banjo, it gets...28 Miles per gallon." -(Stevie) Okay, guys, I'm going to need an answer. -We agree?

- (Stevie) And it's a...Baby!
-Yes! It is a baby. Who is Rachel Griffiths? She was the crazy girlfriend in
"Six Feet Under". Oh, yeah. (Crew laughs) You know what? You know what?
Good on you, Rachel.

That is a good child name.
As someone who -wanted to name their kid
-Banjo Griffiths "Ninja" at one point, as you did, Banjo is
(crew laughs) Banjo almost, you know what? If you
had two kids, a boy and a girl "Banjo" and "Ninja", which one's which? -That's the question.
-It's "Nina" with a "j". Embrace it. -(Stevie) What about "Sharan Carat?" -Sharan Carat...Hm.
-(Irish accent)"I won't be Sharan my Carat with you, sir!" If this was a child, and she was not good
at sharing her carrots, that would be...

-(Irish accent) "Share your carrots!"
-...Incredibly ironic. -"She's so good with her carrots,
let's change her name!" Sharon is a girl's name,
spelled differently. And carrot is a--is a vegetable name.
But spelled different! Hm... You know I was gonna say, usually
you don't have two names for a car, but "Friendly Banjo", what was it called? (Crew laughs) -"Bongo Friendly"
-Bongo Friendee! Friendee...Friendly Bongos was a name.

I feel like, oh gosh, this can't... -(Stevie) Okay, let's see...Oh! (Laughter) I didn't even know what I voted. -I wanted an opportunity to pull away, but
-Volkswagen diesel, huh? I just went further in the hole. Has Link missed any? He's missed one.

You're an expert at this! -Mhm
-You've gotta have more kids! -I've got to?
-I've gotta have more kids,
so you can name them. -(Stevie) What about "Destry"?
-Destry. -(Stevie) Baby or Car?
-Are you sure you didn't -mis-spell your kid's name from "Destiny"?
-I'm not even...You know what? I'm not even gonna think anymore.
I'm not even thinking anymore.

I'm just saying baby. Car, it's definitely a car, like it goes
through the desert! -(Stevie) It's a baby! Hey! I got one right! Steven Spielburg's daughter?
Is this a nickname? -For like, des...Des-tritus?
-Because that would be a disease (crew laughs) That's like, when you're on a
really long road trip. You get "destritus", because you don't
get to your destination fast enough I don't know. I'm trying really hard.
"Sparrow Midnight." -(Stevie) Okay, we're gonna switch
this one up, guys.

-(Stevie) So, is this a baby or a craft beer? Oh, hm. -(Stevie) "Sparrow Midnight"
-"Sparrow Midnight", and we have special Oh, that's what this is for. (Crew Laughs) This isn't like a request. -(Chanting) Beer! Beer! Beer! Beer!
-It's been a long episode.

-I'm gonna strike if I don't get...
-(Both chanting) Beer! Beer! (Both chanting) We want beer!
We want beer! We want beer! In our car! No we don't.
We don't want beer in our car. -Get rid of the car.
-For our babies! -We want
-beer for our babies! I'll take some baby beer. -Okay, had too much fun with that.
-"Sparrow Midnight." -(Stevie) "Sparrow Midnight." Is it a beer or a baby? -That's a stupid beer name.
-There are lots of names for beers. A lot of names for beers, beers could
really go anywhere.

People are getting really desperate in
the craft beer industry to seem really cool and edgy. Like "Bird droppings
in the middle of the night." -That doesn't make me thirsty.
-But Sparrow, but I could see a celebrity naming their child this easy.
Easy, easy. -(Stevie) Alright, it's a baby! -Yes! Oh, Nicole Richie!
-Lionel's granddaughter! Or son.

Is it a boy? It is a boy! -It's a boy.
-"Sparrow" Hey, somebody with Lionel Richie blood
in them is named "Sparrow Midnight". -"Sparrow Midnight:... -I bet Lionel didn't weigh in on that decision.
-(Stevie) Okay, we're switching it up. -(Stevie) Is this a baby, or a kickstarter?
So pick up your kickstarter paddles.

(Chanting) We're starting a
kickstarter! Hey! (Laughing) -(Stevie) "Crystal Bacon"
-Gotta have a sign to do that. -(Stevie) "Crystal Bacon"
-Crystal Bacon. If that's a baby, I'm adopting it. And if that's a kickstarter, I'm
funding it.

Either way...I win! -This definitely seems like a product.
-"Crystal Bacon" Yeah, you pour--you pour out crystals
and it makes bacon But we went to school with a lot of
"Crystal's." And it turns into, it's sentient.
It turns into a baby. I tried to date a Crystal, that one time. She worked at the Belk, remember that? She was the perfume girl. We went up there and picked her
up one time? She smelled so strong! -Yeah, we picked her up.

-But her name wasn't -For your date with her. Why was I there?
-I don't know, man. 'Cause I was hoping to get
some Crystal Bacon! Oh gosh. Ooh, this is definitely
a kickstarter.

-Don't say "Ooh", it means nothing.
-It means nothing! (Crew laughing)
-(Stevie) Okay guys, you are both correct. -Yes!
-A name--A man named Greg Kiesow Just wanted people to pay him to make
crystal sculptures of bacon. -It's not what I thought it was.
-Raised $2800. Or what I was hoping it would be.

I wanted
what you were talking about. It's like, bacon bits that
dissolve in your mouth. -It's not edible.
-In fact, we're starting a kickstarter! It's called "The REAL Crystal Bacon."
It's bacon that dissolves in your mouth. (Stevie) Okay let's pick up the indie film paddles,
because this is the (Stevie) "Baby or Indie Film?" Round, and
the name is...

I don't have anything for this one. I mean
I looked at film and I was like, -"Film!"
-Boo. Baby film. -(Stevie) "Saint Lazslo"
-Watch a good baby film..

Hm, this was good guys, because indie
films, like, indie films love to throw around words like "Saint",
and put Z's in titles. "Let's get a 'Z' in the title so it'll
make it to 'Slamdance'" I'm just--I was already holding the film,
so should I go with that, or not? I'm complete guess territory at this
point, you know what? Maybe there's an opportunity for me
to make up some... Last time I did this, was I right or wrong
the first time? Wrong, you were wrong the second time. So I'm not changing it.

It's a film baby. (Stevie) Okay. It's a baby. -Aw!
-Yeah! A Pete Wentz baby.

"Saint Lazslo". So we've got one more round, but I can't
win now, I'm down by too many. Listen, let's make this final round worth
three points, so you can tie it up -and we would name each other's babies.
-Oh, you're such a...Baby, Link.

Film! Okay, and this one's different. (Stevie) Okay so you guys each have markers next
to your desk, and you're going to write... ...Your answers on the back of one
of your paddles. Are you ready? -Okay, yes.

(Stevie) Which of the following is not
a celebrity baby name? Lion, Cricket, Bear, Otter, Python. It's like a grocery list for other lions. -Do lions eat lions?
-I'm pretty confident -Lion...
-Pretty confident. I know "Cricket" was in
"The Young and the Restless." "Bear" sounds like a cool name
for a person.

"Otter"? "Python"? I've got my name written on here,
well not my name. (Forced laughter) My name's Rhett. Rhett James McLaughlin.
The first. Alright, this is for the win.

(Stevie) Ok, go ahead and reveal your answers. This baby is not named... -Otter
-Python (Stevie) And the correct answer is "Python"! -Oh ho ho!
-Woah! You shouldn't have done that, Link! -Who named their baby "Otter"?
-Somebody did. That's wacky, man! -Okay, well Link this is
- Zooey Deschanel? "Elsie Otter" -It's a middle name.
-This is mine, where's yours? -I've got mine here.
-I'm gonna fill yours out.

And your baby's name is going to be
"Shevy", not Chevy. It's going to be spelled like "Chevy",
but you have to call them, "Shevy" Okay, I'll also have to have another baby,
which probably ain't gonna happen. And I should take "probably" out of that.
Because I have no...I mean, are you in the market to have
another child? -Uh, no, but if I do you can name it.
-It'll be a girl...Someone is going to name their daughter "Ninja", and
I'm sticking to my guns on that. -So there you go, Rhett.

Either don't have a baby or name her
"Ninja". It's just "Nina" with a "J"! Let us know in the comments what's the
best name of a car that would also work for a baby. And thanks for liking, commenting,
and subscribing. You know what time it is.

I'm Ivani from Lexington, Kentucky,
and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! We fill the Wheel of Mythicality with your
suggestions, and you can make those suggestions to us on the internet using
#GMMWheel #GMMWHEEL, click through to
Good Mythical More, We've got even more crazy celebrity baby
names we're gonna play more of that game, -so join us. Is it a baby? Is it a film?
-Bring your own signs! "Shoutout to Fake Plants" (patriotic music) Shoutout to you,
fake plants! Because you're so shiny. -It's almost unrealistic.
-And you don't need water, I found that out because the one time I did water you,
you...It just kind of overflowed? And you didn't change at all. And then, you get real dusty.

And uh, I feel guilty. That's right, you do need dusting.
And lots of people overlook that! So shoutout to you, fake plants. -For needing dusting!
-But not water.

It's a coinsack you're supposed to use in
the final hours of your life. Your last day on earth, you're like,
"I can only use this in my last hours... Before I die, I'm using a
coin purse, exclusively.".

Car Rides - We Got a New Car - Merrell Twins

Car Rides -
I'M NOT A CHILD! HHEEEELLLPPPPP!! - OMG HE'S RIGHT NEXT TO US! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! - Hello guys welcome to another car rides Another... Sun I'll block it from your eyes. Hello :) - Hi guys I'm Vanessa I'm Veronica And welcome to another car rides video We have asked you guys what kind of videos you've been wanting to see and we asked you guys on a twitter tweet (Inaudible) and you guys voted car rides (laughing) so we're in the car -but and for those of you wondering yes, this is a new car, actually oh, yeah, this is the first time filming in this car um, it's a very nice car -yeah we love it very dearly, we take very very good care of it except for the fact that there's receipts in here.. PAUL.

And I have a little friend.. (In accent) HELLO. Hello, Hello, Hello, my name is Mr. Elephant -Hi, Mr.

Elephant Hello -How are you today? I'm good, how are you? -I'm great. Wonderful -What're.... How old are you? What? (Laughing) -how old are you? Why do you need to know -I just would like.. I'm asking you a question! How old are you? Well, what if I don't want to tell you how old I am? -Then, okay fine.

I don't want to know your age Okay, good... (Whispers) because I don't know. (Laughing) So Nessa literally just, like, stole me from the house, like I. I'm like in sweats and like a t-shirt and..

Uh.. Nessa, you're wearing Jeans! And, like, nice vans and I have, like, my socks with sandals on what's up with dat? If you were a bug, what kinda bug would you be? -A butterfly You gotta answer quick.. Ooww If you were an article of clothing, what would you be? A dress. If you were a country, what would you be? -Canada If you were a car, what kind of car would you be? -Lexis R3..

RC 350 F Sport If you were a dog what kind of dog would you be? -Tiger! If you were a cat what kind of cat would you be? -Quirky! If you were a... Cartoon character who would you be? -Spongebob! *Laughs* If you were a rapper -Drake If you were a pop artist. -Jackson Wang *laughs* *smack smack smack* - I don't know stop! It just came to my head! - The game, the rule of the game is to say the first thing that comes to your head even if it's right or wrong! Me! Me, me! Ask me! - Okay, if you were a food what food would you be? Corn! *Laughs* - If you were a.. Um...

Gnehh.. - ...Flower, what flower would you be? Daisy! - If you were a... - ...Thing at Taco Bell, what Taco Bell item would you be? Toastada! *Laughs* *yawns* If you- - If you were a burrito what burrito would you be? Chipotle burrito *both laugh* If you were a movie what movie would you be? - I would be.. Star Wars.

If you were a genre of movie what genre would you be? - Comedy. If you were a genre of music what genre would you be? - Classical. If you were... ...

Any age, what age would you be? - 21 *Both laugh* Umm, so tell me in the comments below... ...What's your favorite video of ours? I want to know. What's your favorite video that you've done? I think mi- mine still is "Internet Crush"  Youuu are....   ...My Internet Crush  *awkward silence*  Lift your feet up! Lift your feet up! Lift your feet up! You're supposed to lift your feet up every time you go over train tracks cause it's bad luck.

- Really? Yeah. - Who said that? ... Someone. LOL.

We are filming in the car... ...But we're about to get gas, cause we're gonna go eat dinner with Franny. - Yes. But you need gas...

In order to drive. This whole last week we were filming a Halloween series for our main channel... ...For the entire month of October. Every single Tuesday a new episode will be released.

It'll be an adventure... ...It'll be a, spooky Halloweeeeeen! Let me know in the comments below... ...What you're dressing up for Halloween. On More Merrell I'm going to do a...

... Video about what I'm- what I am for Halloween, so... ...You guys should look forward to that cause... I got clever Halloween costume ideas - Ugh, why is filling up gas so stressful sometimes? What do you mean? - It's just stressful :( What are you gonna be for Halloween, Nessa? - I don't know.

- I'm having problems... My jeans are too holy I can't move. LOL. I think you should be one of those blow up thingys for Halloween.

- Mmm, nooo Cause then you can go like this! And then... *Laughs* - What? *Laughs* DEBATE TIME! ARE NESSA'S GLASSES RED, OR PINK? - They are PINK. SHE says, they are PINK! I say, THEY ARE RED! You can't see while driving, PUT THEM BACK ON! These are clearly RED... ...Nessa that is a RED.

It just like, has a metallic on it. - THEY ARE PINK! THEY ARE RED! - THEY ARE PINK. THAT IS RED! Not this part, we're not talking about that part. - It's like a dark, rose pink.

I mean like, I could see how you think it's a dark rose pink, but... ...I would say they're RED. - Nooo. DARK ROSE PINK.

- Okay, in the comments below... ...Comment if they're pink, or red. - THEY'RE PINK.  Wish I knew you before I met her...

 Geeeeeeeeeeeeee   I wish it could beeeeeeee  *laughs* - I don't know how it goes. GET OUT! *Laughs* - Did you just unlock the car? I don't know what I did... ...Did I? - I don't know... I'm- - You can't roll down your window anymore.

I didn't even roll it down! - I put the child lock on it WHY? I'M NOT A CHILD! - You are! I'M NOT A CHILD! STOP TREATING ME LIKE I'M A CHILD, NESSA. PLEASE. *Laughs* What da heck? That guy just stuck his tongue out at me! *Laughs* - What do you mean? I'm not even- he was literally going like this.. (Inaudible) BLEHHH *laughs* Catch up, catch up - Oh, we're coming up on him.

- He's like getting away from us. Maybe he knows who we are! GET HIM! GET HIM! - I'm trying, Roni! I'm trying. CATCH UP, CATCH UP, CATCH UP! DUDE! *Laughs* DUUDE! - (Inaudible) LET US CATCH YOU! I WANT TO- *LAUGHS* - What'd he do? I WANT TO HIDE FOREVER NOW! *LAUGHS* - Wait. What? HE JUST LOOKED AT MEEE! - Well, was he cute?...

- OMG HE'S RIGHT NEXT TO US!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! *BOTH LAUGH* - Did he look over? *Laughing continues* I DON'T KNOW! *STILL LAUGHING* Nessa, why'd you take freaking Highland? - I didn't think it would be backed up! Nessa! It's obviously... - It's a Sunday! ...RUSH HOUR! - It's a Sunday! But it's 6 o' clock, it's rush hour! - But it's a Sunday, it should NOT be like this! BUT IT IS! IT IS! UNFORTUNATELY, IT IS! - W/accent: Oh my God w/accent: I want to stop yawning... W/accent: can we stop yawning please? - Can you stop.. Talking weird? - What? I can't please ANYONE today I'm just..

Going to shut up! Mhmm mhmm MMMMmmmm!!  *Laughs* *laughing continues* *sighs* I can't throw my key away! *Laughs* you got the stupid child lock on! Here is a new segment called... *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* *triggered* Who honked? - And why... Did they honk? O.O *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* *triggered 2.0* *Wut* *is* *going* *on* *laughing* I think it's this guy in the Mercedes. - Why he yelling? (LOL NESSA) - I wanna see if he honks again.

*Quietly* I do too. I think he sees me staring at him .. A new segment! I am going to read things that come up on my Pinterest. *Que thoughtful music* "She is made up of words that not anyone can understand..." "...Her mind is a dictionary of sadness and heartache..." "...And her heart is a poetry book for the hopeless..." "...She is the prettiest song..." "...A perfect sonnet..." "...The most meaningful haiku..." "...And the longest novel..." "...It takes a while to read her, seconds to love her..." "...And a lifetime to forget her..." T.T.


*Honk honk honk!* *What now what now?* Don't you just love how it says, "Welcome to Hollywood" and then we're just stuck in traffic?! THANKS A LOT HOLLYWOOD!!!! - And that concludes this episode of "Car Rides" I hope you guys enjoyed it... - ...Please comment down below other videos you would like to see us do, anndd... (In Unison:) Thanks for watching! Roni: If you liked this video give it a thumbs up, make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Nessa: Follow us on all of our social medias, we do broadcasts every week.

Roni: Week. *Lol* ...And we'll see you guys next time. (In Unison) Bye! <3.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Car Rides - Dead Squirrel & Gross Candy - Merrell Twins

Car Rides - Dead Squirrel & Gross Candy - Merrell Twins
VCNZGNMZFJNZFNJTJRTJHZNVBXN. HEY GUYS! I'm Veronica. I'm Vanessa and today we are doing another car ride video We decided to take you along with us on our journey to Wherever we are going I Think you're pretty cool, and it's gonna say, your the best sister ever It's okay Can I please go back over now? Ah! Here we go is your favorite? Before in front of me did oh like again like literally just now, no i just right over it again I didn't do it I thought you ran over something yeah I Was traumatic for [me] it was very traumatic the poor squirrel when I saw Didn't see what I saw. [I] think [it] was already dead my car ran over it and it went [bang] right into the air When the car ran over it Nasa, we can't do anything about it [I] know This squirrel's in a better place now He's still on the Road We're on our first stop up for the day, and I just want to show you guys it there's There's an odd creepy man Right there who is fake But it's kind of creepy So we bought some candy, and we want to try some candy that we've never tried before Yeah Okay, so the first candy.

We're going to try is a quick blast sour candy spray It's not that sours uh-huh that's good Hey got on my uvula That is just straight-up sugar that in water would there's a new trend going around and We decided that we [want] to participate. It's time for us to temper a part of this trend [hip-hip] We gotta get asleep. Yeah Well, and I'm wearing the new pegs ago Lipton I. Like dude this candy nasty Why this do grow does it look like I have my lips upside down.

I thought I put them on Normal I. Hope who else fine Allanon? [Lip] Next thing we got is bugger We got boogers, and [it] says tangy gummy buggies that look and feel real dude. [I] Just [got] [a] future with ok do is it nasty let me smell this [now] Guys this guy uses sweet [so] bad ok I have the box prepared right? What do you want to dick? Em I Can't with that one um you want to try this tacky on to you great SLO MO Gagging   It's stuck to my tooth. [I] don't like it.

I'm sorry. Hey (Roni Gagges again) *Stop gagging dude* We also got some Mexican candy. What is that? Loki, I actually don't know so you push this day. Sorry okay? Why can't I push it let me try? Careful I just I don't someone's gonna get her I'd rather do it myself.

Yeah, I have an idea Can I see it? (Roni Belching) (Roni and Nessa Giggling) Get ready yeah (Nessa and Roni gagging) (Roni and Nessa giggling)   No, I got taking this [off] my shirt (Vacuum Noise) Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh! Roni! Stop it!!!! (Vacuum Noise) Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! (Vacuum Noise) All right, so the car is clean darkness trapped in my pants are kind [of] fuzzy who do you want me to say? Stay watch it whoops A. Laughs and giggles What's a cute? What's a cute quote about the sisterly love this is how we capture our pictures This is a picture for those of you guys wondering what [Ronnie's] trying to post your shirt looks pink in this picture it does you know we looks like we're wearing pink and like that okay me caption it my shirts not actually paying no no okay um what about Taco Bell, whoa, whoa No, Acro [bell] no host but what about you Steve posted it [Mr.]. My own Because if you don't you look sad? Something about laughing the pain Of what I don't know you're not in pain Why don't we look up on pinterest a laughing quote but the most beautiful things in life Are not just things they're people in places Memories and pictures there are feelings and moments and smiles and laughter does not that's a good one Little Wheeling's is when you find something funny and your best friend finds it equally okay? No, no, no here's mine. This is what I want you to post for my caption.

We are addicted to laughing How cute is that come on? We are addicted to? Laughing Is that cute that is cute? We're not laughing though. We are addicted to smiling or Addicted to happiness Is that dumb? Oh? Okay, what do you do? You want to say it? I don't know Taco. Bell. Yeah So fun, please answer this in the comments below [why] is it so hard to come up with captions just got out of Walmart I? Bought some burgers I.

Found the captioned post That concludes this edition of car rides. Hope you guys enjoyed it and Thanks for watching if you like this video give it a thumbs up make sure to subscribe to our channel with some Instagram Twitter add Us on Snapchat and we do you now broadcast every Tuesday [yes], and check out some of [the] other car rides. We've done or in some other video comment down below Things we should do while we're driving in the car in our car rides. Make sure it's safe though We don't want to die.

I wanna die but yes do it okay wait [alright]. Thank you guys See you [next] time bye.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Car Buying Tips & Advice How to Lease a New CarEdmunds

Car Buying Tips & Advice How to Lease a New CarEdmunds
and cons to leasing, but for many shoppers, leasing
is a more convenient option that minimizes monthly
payments and eliminates many of the headaches
that come with ownership. If you're thinking
about leasing a new car, here are the four keys to
unlocking your monthly payment. The first key is the lease term. Plain and simple, this
is the period of time that you possess and
make payments on the car.

We recommend lease terms
of 36 months or less so your car will always be
protected by the manufacturer's three year warranty. Next is the down payment. The more money down
to start the lease, the less your monthly
payment will be. Most deals can be structured
to accommodate down payments of any amount,
but we recommend putting down as little out
of pocket money as possible-- anywhere between 0 and $1,000.

Keep in mind that you can
also apply a vehicle trade in or manufacture
rebates and incentives toward your down payment. Next, there's mileage. Every lease comes with a
limit for the number of miles you're allowed to drive. Most leases are
capped at anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000
miles per year.

Be honest with yourself
about how many miles you expect to drive. Of course the more miles
you include in your lease, the more it will
cost, but it's cheaper to build them into your
deal now than to worry about overage charges later. Finally, there's
the residual value. This tells you what
your car will be worth at the end of the lease.

The higher your
residual value, the less you need to pay over
the life of your lease. For better or worse, residual
values are non-negotiable. For example, if you
lease a $50,000 car, and its residual value at the
end of a lease is $30,000, then you will pay $20,000 over
the course of the lease term. Once you know your term,
down payment, mileage, and residual value, you can
calculate your monthly lease payment.

Edmunds has even
more videos to help you shop for your next car. Click subscribe to
our YouTube channel. [MUSIC PLAYING].

Building Finnegan's Dream-Car Firebird! - Roadkill Ep. 67

Building Finnegan's Dream-Car
(Rock music) - [Narrator] Watch Put Up or Shut Up. The newest show coming
exclusively to Motor Trend On Demand July 20th. Hosted by me, Ryan Loams.
(Car engines whining) (tires peeling) - This time on Road Kill,
I recused my dream car. Hasn't moved in 17 years and I give Tony plenty
of time to do the job.

- Bro, three days is not plenty of time. - It's, it's Road Kill time.
- Not enough. So it's the square root of
- No. You're screwed.
- Yeah.

- That's more like it. - Yeah. (Car engine humming) (banging) (tires screeching) (fire burning) (rock music) (car engines humming) (rock music) - [Mike] So David calls me as says, "we're doing One Lap of America." Which is a brutal race. And by pure coincidence,
I'm searching Craigslist for one of my dream cars and I find this 1969 Pontiac Firebird.

400 Four speed car
sitting about eight hours from the start of the race. My buddy Mike Copeland picks it up, brings it to his shop. I fly here and I find the car that I've not seen in person yet, that has no engine and trans in it. Mice living in the car.

The brakes are locked up. There's a hole in the floorboard. It needs some work. But, I'm motivated.

This is my dream car and these guys are about
the walk in here right now and see this. And I'm hopefully going to convince them we can pull this off
in next day and a half. - It's two days before the
One Lap of America event which is the perfect time to
build your car for the race. That's why we're here
at Diversified Creations in Brighton, Michigan.

Same place where we put the
Hell Cat in the General Mayhem. (Car engine roars) I haven't seen Finnegan's car yet but we're going to have
to thrash on the thing. We brought in Tony Angelo to help and I think we're in for
a big surprise right now about how much work this thing needs. - So about a week and a half ago I got a text form one of
our producers that said, "do you want to come and
race a car for a week?" And of course, me being a race car junky, I said, "absolutely, I'm
in, that sounds fantastic." A little more was revealed to me it's the One Lap of America, which is 3300 miles in seven days while you also participate
in like 17 track events.

So it's grueling. It's intense. It's nonstop. It sounds amazing.

And they said, oh, p.S., By the way, Finnegan picked up a car. He just bought it. It's a '69 Firebird and it might
need a whole bunch of work. So I'm here.

I don't know what we're up against. I haven't seen the car yet. But I'm feeling like
since this is Road Kill it might be a complete disaster. - Doesn't look that bad.

- Yeah. This is a car. - Yeah, just needs a little race prep. - Take a whiff.

- Yeah, I took the liberty of
pulling the carpet (mumbles). (Coughs) (laughs) - That is nasty. - That's you for 10 days.
- There are a few... - Ugh.

- [Mike] Few dead mice in there. - [David] Really? - Well it's been sitting
- Gross. Since 2000. The last time it moved
it took a couple of kids to their high school prom.

And then they got froggy and wanted to restore the car afterwards. And they took the motor,
did a little work to it. And it hasn't moved since. (Laughs) - [David] What do we have to do? - [Mike] We should start up front.

The hood needs
(hood pops) a little adjustment.
- Have an engine. - Please have an en- okay, great. (Laughs) Guys there's
(laughs) no engine in here.
(Laughs) - There's no trans either. - Hmm, alright.

Got it.
(Claps) - So we have a day and a half
- Woo ooo. And we have
- Alright give me a minute. - Give me one minute. (Laughs) Give me one second
(laughs) just to compose myself.
(Laughs) - [David] I already knew this.

- Woo boy. (Laughs) Alright. - So the car came with
(laughs) two engines.
(Laughs) (laughs) It's an original 350 four speed car. - Yep.

- And we have the 350 that was in the car that allegedly ran. - Oh good. - [Mike] Which is in one piece. - Fantastic.

- [Mike] But we have a
400 that's disassembled that we could assemble. - [David] That's disassembled?
- Oh. - Let's build an engine.
- That's not happening. Oh boy.
- It was...

- [Mike] It was locked
up so I took it apart, sent the block out to
get it cleaned and honed and I have the pieces. Option A: This was in
the car on prom night and it did run allegedly. But for some reason the
owner of the car said you should probably put the 400 in it. - Oh, so he cryptically
- Okay.

Hinted that this thing is junk. - Right, but the 400. - [Tony] And this is the 400. - [Mike] He left
uncovered and it rusted up so the rings are stuck.

Didn't want to roll over. Nothing was damaged so I ordered rings. Cleaned the block. This could go back together.

The rear axle's not exactly together, but the suspension is in there. - Oh, cool. - [David] That's a Pontiac 10 bolt. Yeah, that means it's non C-clipped and you can't get parts for it and stuff.

- Well we got the parts. It's ready to go back together. - Okay.
- Okay. - Yeah.

The brakes are completely locked up. I bought brakes for it so we have a lot. We could do the suspension on the front, the brakes, put the interior back in it. Maybe patch a hole, maybe not.

And then it needs obviously a drive train. - Obviously. - [Mike] Yeah. - How's your level of okay right now? - Pfft, pretty low.

(Laughs) Pretty low man.
- Pretty... - Pretty low. - It's pretty low cause I'm,
all I want to know, like how many hours do we have
until we have to leave? - We have to be at tech
inspection by noon on Friday. Which means we need to leave
here at like 7am Friday.

- Okay, so we have Wednesday, Thursday
- like 44 hours. This is worse that I thought. - Ya think? Alright man, well let's build you a car man.
- Standing around... Let's do this thing.
(Claps) - Isn't solving this, so.

- Well I guess we get a big list going and we prioritize it
and then we just start. And we got to, we're going to have sep... We're going to have to split up. - Can we get this done? Totally.

Do they want to get this done? Eh, maybe not. I mean, you're literally talking about us not sleeping for the next two days to assemble this car. - Plan of attack here is sort of a jumbled mayhem right now. I think what we're going
to do is two teams.

It's going to be Mike and Mike. And me and Tony. And we're start tearing
the front suspension apart. They're going to start
inventorying all the parts and see if we actually have what it takes to make this happen.

- I'm going to stay away
from Tony as long as I can because we're going to
be in the car together 24 hours a day for the
next eight or nine days. And he's already mad at me, so I'm just trying not to make that worse. I see the way Lucky looks
at him sometimes, ya know. I don't want to have that look in my eyes.

(Drilling) - Step one out of 285. This things got a gas tank guys. We can put gas in it now. Everybody chill out.

(Power tools drilling) (rock music) - [ David] There ya go.
- Alright. You see this? (Hammer clanking) - [Mike] My wheel won't turn. - What? - [Mike] My ball joint won't spin. - Your ball joints are locked up solid.

(Hammer clanking) The spindle won't turn. (Hammer clanking) - This is pretty stuck. (Laughs) (power tool drilling) (rock music) (car parts clanking) (power tool drilling) (car parts clanking) - [David] Okay, done. I don't know what happened but somehow we went from, We have a 350 that's complete but we don't know if it's any good, to let's rebuild the 400 and
put cylinder heads on it.

(Laughs) - [Mechanic] There you go, yeah. - [Mike] Even though. - [Mechanic] The racers in you took over. - [Mike] Less than two days.

I believe you were the
instigator with that. I believe this is your fault. - Okay, the racer in me took over. - This is your fault.
- I don't know.

- [Mechanic] But right
now were getting ready to start assembling the short block. (Power tools buzzing) When we took it apart, all the bearings are so good that we're going to put the
original bearings back in it. And the crank is still good. Perfect.

Didn't even need to be polished. We did hot tank the block and then degrease everything. Clean all the oil passages. And we gave it a touch hone and a quick ridge ream at the top.

We're going to reuse the pistons after we free up some of
these beautiful stuck rings. So we'll have to clean that out. This upper ring, you can
see water was in the engine but the rings are all totally sealed stuck right in the hole. Hey we got 48 hours,
well about 44 hours left.

(Power tools buzzing) So, piece of cake. - Plenty of time. My wife's El Camino, when
I tore the engine apart it came out of that. The bearings looked just like this.

40, 45 Years old
(power tools buzzing) and you could put them
right back in there. (Rock music) (mallet pounding) (bolts tightening) - I'm still on the disassembly stage. I haven't put on one new part. I'm just ripping stuff out of here.

I think Tony and I are going to have the front suspension done today. I don't know if we're going to get the whole car done by tomorrow. - I'm going to pull the pitman
arm off the old steering box and then we're going to install that new quick ratio borgeson unit so that when we're sitting in the garage pretending like this thing runs, it'll feel really good. - We're trying to install
our first new part which is the steering box and naturally it's got
the wrong spline on it.

- [Mike] I bought the new one cause I was worried the
old one might be leaking. But I had never seen the car either. So I did a lot of Ray Charles
parts ordering on this deal. - Put it back on? - Yeah.

- [Tony] Alright, let me undo what I did. - [Mike] It's seven o'clock Wednesday night.
- These are low. And look ...
- There's not headrest. Pistons in an engine.
- Yeah.

And look, unlike before.
- Yeah I've seen ... When we got this car and this engine. These ones move up and down. Up and down.

Which is what you want. There's nothing I can do to this engine cause we're missing parts. I have no idea why we're
putting a headliner in the car but the nice lady that's
doing it is in the car and it's on the ground so we
can't work on the suspension or the brakes. I literally have nothing to do so I'm painting the engine block.

(Laughs) Why not? Why not? - Well it's the end of the first day of wrenching on this thing and I would say, as
normal, we're far behind. But, I don't know. We're going to crank it out tonight. Copeland's going to
finish out the rear end.

We're going to get the
front suspension together as far as we can given the parts we have. We're missing lower ball joints. So we decided to call it
about midnight tonight. We're going to hit it pretty hard because tomorrow is going to be
(mumbles) 8am to whenever it drives out of here.

(Chains clanking) (rock music) - [David] Man we got a lot
of stuff done last night. We were only here till about 12:30 but we got the whole rear end assembled. Brakes on the back. Wheel and tires fit.

Front end mostly together. Master cylinder on. And as soon as ball joints show up I'm going to have the rest
of the front end together. And after that, interior.

Tony got the floor pan in. We're going to throw some
seats in it and stuff. I'm pretty sure we're actually going to make this happen today. - [Mike] We got the short
block built for the engine.

We still need steering,
interior, rest of the engine. (Laughs) Transmission, exhaust. I'm going to stop talking now cause it's getting a little overwhelming. (Rock music) - Okay.

I predict you rip out that
nice fancy new headliner. - Yeah. (Laughs) - Ya know the seat might not fit but the headliner's great. - Oh.

- [David] Super annoying? - Oh, yep. - [David] Okay, we got to drop that junk. - Yeah, this won't work. - No success.

We're going to have to cut
and weld this floor brack. Make it lower. (Saw grinding) (power tools buzzing) (welder crackling) (power tool buzzing) - Oh yeah, look at that. - Looks way better already.

- Not bad. That's livable for sure. - Yeah, see. You want the upper arm parallel to the ground.
- Yeah, you want a nice.

Yeah. - And then you want a white t-shirt and roll up some, a cigarette pack in it. - Yeah. - Oh, big moment here.

Oil pan's going on. Then we can flip the engine right side up. But it should stay right side up. Until it goes in the car.

(Rock music) - It already smells
less like poop in here. Carpet fixes everything. Normally you'd say
carpet in a Road Kill car is way too nice but the carpet's hiding
holes in the floor. So, in this instance it's
just, it's just a barrier.

It's a filter for the exhaust fumes. (Car parts clanking) - [David] My mouth has tasted like mouse poop more often
- Eww. Than I really want to admit. It's a Road Kill thing.

- You might be wondering why we are putting carpet in this car. And I'm messing with the AC system removal and it's because we are
waiting on cylinder heads for that 400 engine and
we don't have them yet and time is very tight. So we're supposed to have
them in the next hour. Once they're on and everything works, the push rods seem like
they're the right length and everything spins, I will feel way better about this.

- Cylinder heads are here. Now we can finish the engine. Which is great because it's like four in the afternoon I think and we need to leave in 16 hours. Thanks to these babies, we
don't have to do valve guides, valve seals, no servicing,
and they're lighter.

Edelbrock heads. ARP studs. (Click) This thing better go more than one lap. (Rock music) This is kind of a big deal.

This is the pilot bearing. It goes in the back of the crank shaft. And the input shaft of
our Munsey four speed should go in here. Problem is, this won't
fit in our crankshaft.

So, we need to either find a smaller one or get someone with a lathe to turn this down this down for us because we don't have that tool here. Then it can go on the car. So, I have a feeling Mayor Mike Copeland knows somebody that can fix this problem. So I'm not sweating it.

- It's Thursday night. We have to leave in 12 hours. Do you realize that? - Oh, we got 12 still? - 12 Whole hours.
- Oh we're fine. And we got to whole bunch of people here working on the thing.

Tony and I have got the front
suspension back together with the old parts that we took off. We got the rear end done. Brakes are done. The interior is mostly done.

We're trying to focus
now on the criticals. The engine is the big critical. Finnegan and Copeland got
the thing mostly together but the problem now is just
the accessory drive on it. And once we get that sorted out the real, real big deal
is that the pilot bearing that goes in the back of the crankshaft to hold the snout of the transmission.

So the clutch works. You got it milled down?
- I got it. - I got it machined. - Oh Copeland got it fixed.

I should have known better. This is where miracles happen everyday. So, apparently we'll be
able to bang that together and get this whole thing in the car. But if we don't have it
running by like midnight then it's going to be real fun.
(Mumbles) We're in bad shape.

(Rock music) (power tool buzzing) (power tool buzzing) (rock music) - Ready? - Yep.
- Yep. (Engine turning) (engine humming) - There you go. Runs good. - [Mike] It's alive.

- It's quiet. - Sounds good. (Mumbles) (car engine humming) - We get to go driving. Three days.

Look at this. Three days. - Feeling better Tony? - I do. - It runs really good.

- Yeah it sounds awesome. - You guys aren't going to have
a single problem on the road. - Thank you for that. (Welder sparking) (laughs) (blues music) - [David] Man it's been 22
hours straight right now.

But we killed it. We would have never gotten
this done without the crew here from Diversified. We just dog piled this thing and in the middle of the night last night I think 3 o'clock in the morning we finally got it fired up
and this thing just purred. Everything seems to be working.

The last details right now are, Darrell's in there
putting a harness bar in. Then we got to throw the seats in and pack up and hit the road. It's about 6 o'clock right now and we got to get on the road around seven so that we can make it to
Tire Rack for tech inspection for One Lap of America. (Rock music) - Feels pretty good.

- It really does. It's comfy. (Engine turning) - Well it's all done. These guys are going to
run it around the block and find out if anything's
going to fall off of it before we load it on the trailer and go.

The race director said he
wants us there at noon. Which is four hours from right now. And it's a three hour drive. So basically, nothing can go wrong.

(Car engine humming) - [Mike] Woo, oh it's spunky. - It's got some pep. - It's very spunky. That was like half throttle dude.

- I like it. (Blues music) (engine revving) - Tire slipped. Oh dude, it runs good. (Engine humming) Dude, for an out of the box no dyno tune, this is pretty good.

I think I found some of the pig pen. It's coming out. - Yeah. (Coughs) Oh god.

- Nice work Tony. - Nice work everybody man. - Oh god, this is fun to drive. (Engine humming) - Yeah.

(Mumbles) Woo. - [Mike] Dude and that trans is good. (Clapping) - Yeah this thing rules. - [Mike] There it is.

We are three hours in a
normal automobile to get to Tire Rack before
tech inspection starts. We need to hurry. We need to go to the hotel. Check out.

Take a shower maybe. And just haul butt to South
Bend, Indiana right now. (Chains clanking) (blues music) - [David] It's official. We made it to One Lap of America.

This is the point at which
- Woo hoo. We separate. These guys are going to be in the Firebird and me and Alanna are going to
be in the Hell Cat Challenger. - We might or might not come back for you.

- Oh, boy. - We might not ever stop for you. - Yeah, how about that? - Last night Tony actually was we were talking about
the Hell Cat versus this. He's like, "Oh yeah, I'm faster." - Yeah, I'm going to be faster than you.

- See. - I'm faster than him, so. - Oh yeah, that's a thing. (Laughs) - You put this much
competitive in the same car for a full week.

Are you guys going to be talking
to each other by the time we're back here? - We'll either be best friends or be dead. (Laughs) - Aw, they're pretty cute. - Well we got to go do
the wet skid pad now and I think we're
(mumbles) - [Tony] We are. - [David] Like five cars back.

- [Mike] This doesn't count, this one doesn't count for us. - [David] You guys cuddle.
- Yeah. We're going to go race. - Okay.

- Do you want me to clean
the bird poop off the car? - [David] Nah, it adds character. - Oh, you big strong man you. - So, Alanna's the editor
of Road Kill magazine and also RoadKill.Com. This will be her third
episode of Road Kill.

She and I are going to
be in the lap of luxury in the Challenger which is actually the
same car that we used in a prior episode where we raced the Phantom Motocross track. So if it survived that, I'm pretty sure it's going
to be okay here at One Lap. But, Tony and Finnegan, they're
going to be in the Firebird and I'd like to say they're going
to have Road Kill suffering. But I don't know.

We touched everything
mechanical on that thing. Which, take that as you will. That's either good or bad. They're either going to survive
or have a bunch of breakdowns.

(Rock music) - [David] The very first
event is the wet skid pad. Designed to figure out how much grip you can have in the range. And Tony went out in the Firebird and did pretty well. - Ah this thing rips.

- [David] But naturally I
beat him in the Hell Cat. (Engine rumbling) Now we have to hit the road and drive a couple of
hours to an old airport where they're going to have an autocross. - [Tony] Okay, we are at the
second event of the first day. This is the autocross.

I drove on the wet skid pad
at a Tire Rack headquarters and the car was pretty good. I didn't go crazy pushing it hard because I wanted to feel it out. But we've ran a point 63G in the wet which I think is pretty good. And turn out in our class the leader, we're second now, did point 64G.

So that's pretty damn close. - Right. - Yeah, so we're in
second place currently. - We were this close to that guy.

- Yes, and David did point 67G. Which is not too far away form us either. - No, no not at all. We have a chance.

- Yeah. - We have, we have three bogeys here. - Yep. - A, We want to finish.

Which we will. - It's a big one. - And B, we would like to beat David. - At least once or twice.

- Yeah, once or twice this week. - Yeah. - And C, there's a guy in
our class with a Corvette and I think we can hang. - [Tony] And his car looks pretty serious.

It's not his first time.
- Yeah. It's got a cage, it's ... - [Mike] It's got to wing. - [Tony] It's on nasty tires.

It's got to wing. - [Mike] Seems to be important, the wing. - So if we could, if we could
finish ahead of those dudes we'd be awesome and their
currently leading the American midage class so we're number two. (Electronic music) - Good luck buddy.

- Thanks dude. - [Tony] Go fast. - [Mike] Got this. Our goal is to make one
good run and hit the road because we're traveling
at a much slower pace than the rest of this whole event.

(Engine revving) - Use that track. (Car engine humming) - This is a pretty good run. This car sticks great. (Car engine humming) (tires screeching) Come on.

Little bit of wheel hog. Go baby go. (Engine revving) - [Tony] 59, nice. That should put us at first in our class.

So that would be awesome. - [David] Finnegan ran a
59.2 Seconds in the Firebird and I followed that up with
a 55.1 In the Challenger. And now we got to hit the road for a 491 mile drive to Memphis. (Cheerful music) - We're out of here.

Later Indy. (Upbeat music) - [David] So far there is no
road kill in the Firebird. We've thrown a bunch
good parts at this thing and I can tell that Finnegan
is stoked driving it. The four speed absolutely makes the feel and the personality of this car.

And it's something he's been looking for for a long time and I'm
glad it's paying off. - [Tony] It's just about
midnight on the first day. We have been chugging along slowly. We're just about out of gas.

Pulled over in a little town in Tennessee. The car started to spit
oil out the tail pipes at some point during the day and it's really getting bad now. Um, I don't know if we
have like an, you know, a PCV problem or what the deal is. Hoping it's not those brand
new rings not seating properly.

Um, we got to get back on the road cause with the way this thing drives, we got to go like 60, 65 everywhere and it's taking us forever to get there. We should have been there an hour ago. It's going to be another
two hours on the road and I don't think we should
dilly dally in this town to be quite honest. I like, I'd like to get out of here.

(Engine rumbling) (chains clanking) (mellow music) - [Mike] We are now here at
Memphis International Raceway. A place where the road course
has a half mile long straight and we only have four gears
and 25 inch tall tires. If the motor is going to go,
it's going to go this morning with Tony behind the wheel, on the floor down that front straight. If the 10 bolt's going to explode that's going to happen this afternoon when I'm on the drag strip trying to win a bracket race.

So all your drama, today. Or nothing happens and we just
keep on trucking to my house. I don't know. - Last night we drove like nine hours.

Got in at like midnight in the Hell Cat. Do you remember that time I couldn't get my phone synced up with the radio? - [Alanna] Also, dinner, not that great. - Oh that steak place. - Yeah.

- Right. - You know I mean, it was okay. - Yeah. - But, it wasn't that good.
- Yeah.

- Yesterday we ran two events
at two different tracks. Today it's Memphis Motorsports Park. There's going to be four events. First of all there's the road course which hilariously is nothing
more than the drag strip and the return road in the staging lanes.

We're going to run two sessions of that and then they're going
to go into a fast DT race on the drag strip. You got one pass. Low ET wins. And then you get to use that ET.

To decide what you're going to do for a dial in on the
bracket race drag race that's going to end today. And that's where I'm
putting Alanna in the car and doesn't know it yet, but she's winning. - I'm feeling good man. I'm looking forward to this.

I love a road course. - I only as one thing. Front straight, five
grand, three seconds max. - Got it, three seconds.

- Three seconds. (Car engine starting) (engine revving) Good luck. - One warm up lap. Three hot laps.

Cumulative time. (Car engine humming) (engine downshifting) - Oh this is exciting. Here we go. First time the Firebird has
ever been on a road course.

And of course we picked
one that's insanely fast. And mostly straights. I have no idea what happening right now cause he's so far away. (Engine humming) (tires squealing) - [Mike] Uh oh, smoke.

Lot of smoke. I think he just locked up a tire. (Tires squealing) (beep) - I, it won't, it doesn't want to run immediately after one
rip down the straight. (Ominous music) - [Mike] Did the motor
shut off completely? - It's running now, it's running now.

It won't do anything. (Engine rumbling) (ominous music) - [Tony] It won't run under any power. I had to pull off. I had to pull off.

- Alright, ah, I guess pit
it and we'll look at it. Back to the pit. Get the tools out. (Ominous music) - Never boring on Road Kill.

You've probably forgotten this but it's one lap of America, not one lap of Memphis
International Raceway. - Dude, I didn't go over 5000. Not once. - I don't believe you.

- Believe it. (Laughs) - It night be broken. For real. Ugh.

I went through the gears once. Like, ya know, in anger. And that was it. My warmup lap was fun.

- One lap Tony might
be your new name dude. - Ugh. - Now this is what I've been waiting for. A big road course in the Hell Cat where I can unleash that 707 horse power.

It is going to be fast
in the straight away. Hundred and twenty. Hundred and forty. Lot of smoke.

A hundred and fifty-five. This guy's burning me. The smoke is bad. Part way through my laps the car in front of me
started smoking bad.

He puked ATF all over the ground. Drove over his own junk and spun out. They shut down the track for while and so I headed to the pits to find out what went wrong with the Firebird.
(Engine turning) (engine revving) - What is that rattle? - I don't know. Do that again.

(Engine revving) - That is not good. - That's new. - We're hearing like a ... - That wasn't there this morning.

- [Tony] Mechanical? - That's like a death rattle, like. - [Tony] Yeah. - That's a not good.
(Mumbles) - Hot, hot. (Beep) Right through the glove.

We've got a bunch of metallic stuff on the end of the drain plug which is magnetic. And that indicative of metal in your motor which you don't want metal in your motor. - Every time we put you
in Road Kill racecar stuff falls off. - All I did was hit the gas.
- We had you.

All I did was hit the gas.
(Laughs) And I literally was like, 5000, (mumbles). - On a silver platter
we hand you the best of equipment that money can buy. (Laughs) - Races has to eat it. - Yeah.

- [Tony] Vintage bearing, fingers crossed. That's Road Kill so like this is normal everyday stuff right? - Today did not go the
way I though it would. I was a little worried
we'd blow up the engine. I just didn't think it
would happen in one lap.

So, we went and got a U-Haul trailer. Hooked it to a rental truck. We're going to haul the
Firebird to my house which is actually on the
way to the next track. I got rings.

I got gaskets. I got bearings. I got a whole lot of brake clean. We will rebuild the motor again.

Make a couple more oil system mods. So hopefully the next time
Tony gets behind the wheel it stays in one piece. - [David] I always say that Road Kill is about rolling restorations and that's exactly what we did here. We started off with a '69 Firebird that Finnegan has always wanted but that had no engine, no trans, no suspension, no nothing.

But we made it happen. The fact that it blew up, hey, that's just another
opportunity to make it good. And we will. Because Road Kill's also
about never saying die and we're going to finish
the One Lap of America no matter what.

You'll see that in the
next episode of Road Kill. - [Mike] Alright David, should
we get the real car in now? - Ha ha ha ha. Wait, is there a real car? - [Mike] No. - Ah, you son of a bitch.

(Laughs) I didn't know if you were
going to spin the camera around and there it is, and, ya know, that Camaro or something, or ....

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Bob The Train

Bob The Train
Hello everyone and welcome In this video I'm going to be giving you 10 reasons why having your car stolen is awesome. Now if any of you follow my Facebook page then you know recently I had my car stolen. Now I was fortunate enough to get my car back, and not everyone does. So some of the benefits pertain to people who get their cars back.

This is what your car may look like, after getting it back, from whoever stole it. That's kind of the beauty of having your car stolen: every case is going to have unique benefits. So lets get started with the list. Number one, weight savings.

Removing weight from your car provides better acceleration, better braking, better fuel economy and better handling. Why wouldn't you want to do it? One easy why to remove some weight that people don't often think of is by taking out your stereo. Having a professional remove everything can get super costly and doing it yourself could take hours. Wouldn't you rather be doing other things? Number two:
no more keys.

A lot of car thieves will ruin your ignition, but that's not a
problem if you're like me and you lose your car keys all the time. Now you don't need them. The other thing is I kind of do like car keys, but I like Mazdas a lot
better than Acura. So now I can use this Mazda car key and start my car right up.
But if you've got longer legs like I do then the car keys just kind of get in
the way and hit you in the knees.

With a screwed up ignition you can just pull
them out and keep driving. No worries. Number three: garage space. With your car gone you'll have more space than ever before to work on all those other
projects you've been meaning to get to.

Now this is only a short-term benefit
because once you get your car back then it's back in the garage.
Number four: free reading material. My car ended up coming back with this
best-selling Thai novel and it will give me the push I need to start learning
another language. It even includes numbers 1 through 10 on the first page!
Number five: free tools. I really like this one.

You can never have too many
tools. Mine came with not one, not two, but three screwdrivers. And this larger one
can even be used to start my car. Number 6: conversation piece.

Having your car stolen gives you a great icebreaker to any conversation you may find yourself in. Hey did I tell you I had my car stolen? Lunch at work won't be so awkward for at least the next week. Number seven: spend more time with your friends. You'll need a ride to get anywhere.

This provides a great opportunity for you to spend some quality time with some of your closest friends. They'll be thrilled to drive you
anywhere you'd like to go. Don't have any friends? Hey, you'll love this next
benefit. Number eight: more time on the couch.

Now you've got the excuse you
always wanted to be as useless as you've always been. Without a car, how are you going to get anywhere? Just sit on your couch where it's safe and enjoyable. Number 9: proven dependability of your car. If a criminal
thrashes on your car for 10 full days and it still seems to run afterwards, you know you've got a solid engine.

This provides a sense of confidence when driving around town or on long trips in the middle of nowhere.
And number 10: new car smell. Now I'm not saying your car is going to smell like a new car, but it
will have a new smell. In my case I was provided with plenty of cigarette ash
and cigarette butts to give my car complete aromatic makeover.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Best Stroller and Car Seat CombosConsumer Reports

Best Stroller and
Joan, one of the things
we've talked about is that people do
a ton of research in picking their child restraint
that goes in their car. And often people
buy that first seat as a travel system
with a stroller. But what if people have
done a ton of research, they've narrowed it down
to one child restraint, but they're not really
happy with the stroller combination that goes with it? What are their options? Well actually, they do
have quite a few options. This is called a "universal"
car seat carrier.

Universal may be in
quotes, because it may not work with every single
seat, but it works with quite a number of them. So basically, when you're
attaching your car seat to a stroller, you
expect to hear a click. Here, you're not
going to hear that. You're just going to rest
your seat on this frame, but you secure it.

These straps run right through
the belt path on your car seat, and you just click
it into place. Nice walking speed, so
it's nice and secure. And what I like to do
when attaching a car seat to a stroller, always
pick it up by the car seat so you know it's secure. This is universal.

Now what if they want the
stroller for their next step? So when they stop
using the carrier, but they do want a
stroller underneath? Right. Here's one option for you. For this particular
one, depending on the car seat
that you have, you have to make sure that this
stroller manufacturer sells a car seat adapter that will
work with your car seat. So this particular one-- these adapters work
with that car seat.

So what I first
had to do, you have to take off the canopy here. Get it out of the way. The seat has to be
reclined all the way, you just pop these
adapters right on here. See this little lip there? Just slide it right down
until you hear a click.

OK. And then you just
take your car seat. You have to align it,
sometimes you have to fuss with it a little bit. But you should
hear a nice click.

And I click here. So let's pick it up and make
sure it's firmly attached. This is good. So that's pretty simple.

OK, now let's talk about
the City Mini stroller. This is also another
one where you have to buy an adapter that goes
with a particular stroller that will work with your car seat. So in this case,
Baby Jogger makes an adapter for the Chicco. Do the adapters
go with all seats? No, they're very specific.

In fact, this adapter will
work with one other seat, but you actually have to
assemble this differently. It comes with another
part, and you have to assemble it differently. So again, really specific. Very specific, which you
kind of reassuring, I think.

You know, you want it to match. So basically, what we have
to do is remove the canopy, which is pretty simple. Just these two buttons. And we're just going to
lift it straight out.

And you can see there's
these two holes here. And that's where
the adapter goes. That's right. And same principle,
it'll just click in.

And you always want to hear
a good click, like when you're attaching your car seat. So you're just going
to pop this in. And now you have the
canopy from the child seat, so you don't really need
the canopy from the stroller anymore. You can just store this
until you need it again.

So now let me show you what I
think is the simplest option. OK, you really like this. We really like this one. This is the Chicco Activ3.

Chicco, not Chico. Not Chico, Chicco. They're Italian. And this is the Chicco
KeyFit infant seat.

This is great because not
only is it a great stroller, excellent maneuverability,
you don't need any adapter. You can just pop your
seat right in here. Is that because it's a Chicco
seat in a Chicco stroller? Yes. Now, what I've already
done is recline the seat.

Any time you put a car
seat into a stroller, you usually have to recline
the seat all the way. To make it fit. Yup. This is very simple.

You just put your
seat rear-facing, just pop it into place. And this is not a travel system. This is not sold
as a travel system. These are separate items,
again, that the customers put together.

Exactly. And no adapter needed. You don't have to
buy a third piece, like you did with those others. If you're considering buying
a stroller, or a car seat, or an adapter, make sure
you do your research online.

Because sometimes, there
can be incorrect information on a website, like they'll
say, oh, this adapter works with all of
these car seats. But it may not work with every
single variation of that car seat. So make sure it's returnable. Exactly.

Keep your receipt,
make sure you try it. If it doesn't work, you
can return it right away..

Autocar Car of the Year 2017Britain's Best Sports Car named720S, 911 GT3, GT R and more

Autocar Car of
Welcome to Castle Combe where we are
going to find out what is Autocar's favorite drivers car of 2017. Now what
I'm interested in is what they like to drive so we don't care what they look
like we don't care about what they're like inside we don't go from the price
we just care which one is the nicest to drive. Dan what's on your radar? I'm
looking forward to driving the Caterham Donington edition because sevens are
always fantastic on track and on the other extreme I want to know what the
big heavy powerful Mercedes E63 estate car is like around Castle Combe. Okay, mate.

Mauro, mate?  I'm going with the GT3 because Porsche have won more handling days than
any other manufacturer, I'm also really looking forward to having a go into 720S because I've heard
a sneaky rumor that that's actually quicker than the P1 and I really want to have a
go in the M4 because they always get a kicking and I want that to be a good
car. Fair enough, alright we'll get on. We've run an annual competition to name
Britain's best drivers car since 1989 and this year like in that very first
year we went to Castle Combe to do it. Combe is a scary old circuit for one
it's very fast, two, there's very little runoff but it's also a great circuit
really bumpy and with a mix of cambers and corners it's seriously good for
assessing a road car.

First up is the second most powerful car in the test
which seems absurd given the company it's in and the fact that it is
ultimately a family estate car. So, the E63 AMG S
now that 'S' is very important because that means that this is the fastest
E-Class Mercedes have ever made. 604 Horsepower, 604! And 627 lbs-ft of torque.
Think about that number for a minute that is absolutely ridiculous. It's not a light car, 2060 kgs.

It's wet today and this car feels all of those 2060
kgs in these conditions but it is a very fast car.
0-60, 3 And a half seconds. Limited, as all fast Mercedes are, to 155mph,
take that limiter off and this is a 200mph car. It's four-wheel-drive now for
the E-class, you can put it into rear-wheel drive which we will do a bit
later. In four-wheel drive mode it has so much straight line performance that you
arrive everywhere carrying way more speed than you expected.

It may be
extremely big and heavy and yes it does slip and slide around a little but in
these sodden conditions it's one of the most approachable cars here. This thing has got a 9-speed gearbox, 9 speeds! That is absolutely ridiculous. It's running on
the new and very much respected Michelin Pilot Sport 4s tires that replace the
super sports they're meant to be better in the wet they're certainly better in
the wet than the Pilot Sport cup twos and actually they do feel better in the
wet than the Super Sports. These brakes, ahh, they don't feel...

I'm not getting a load of confidence from
these brakes. I've probably done four laps and the pedal has gone long, very long.
The star performer of any AMG is its engine, here a 4 litre V8 with hot turbos
ostensibly the same unit as you'll find in both the Aston DB11 and the AMG
GT-R but here it makes more power than in either of them so let's see what
happens when you put it in to rear-wheel-drive mode. At the moment it seems everybody
is having a little gimmick of giving us the drift mode. AMG's have always been
about having fun, they've often been criticised for being not quite sharp as
their M cousin as it were and to be fair that was a fair criticism and
when Mercedes made this thing four-wheel drive I got a bit upset I was thinking
no I love AMG because they are sideways absolutely everywhere.

I did a world-record once in an AMG, I got a world record for the world's longest drift
so I've swallowed a brave pill and I've now put it into rear-wheel drive. Probably a stupid idea, it's absolutely soaking today this thing has got
604 horsepower and I'm pleased to report this car becomes a different animal when
you've got it in rear-wheel drive. You can really feel that diff at the back pushing it
sideways. This is a fast corner here, okay let's see what it does, it's quite a tricky one.
Turn in, slow it down a bit.

Power coming on over through the corner. Yeah look at that. Through the corner all the way. That's transformed the car for me now.

I'm one of those guys, I know everyone says 'Oh, why do you need to drift the car
everywhere?' But being able to drift the car, it really really actually exploits
the cars natural balance and in four-wheel-drive mode it just didn't move
around on the edge like how I like a car to move around and this is handling day, this is about how a car handles, how it entertains a driver and once you've
got this thing in rear-wheel drive it is back to being an entertaining car. All of
a sudden you've got an adjustability you didn't have, you've got a playfulness you
didn't have in four-wheel drive you got a scariness you didn't have.
Going through the fastest corner on the track there and it's just starting to step
out, I was in fifth gear. Yes, ah that's it, that is how I like my AMG's.
Yeah, my message to you if you buy one of these cars just leave it in real drive mode.

Also rear-wheel drive and with a grunty turbocharged engine is BMWs 87,000 M4 CS. This is the model that sits between the mainstream M4 competition
and the completely mad completely unhinged M4 GTS. I think what you're
about to watch is several minutes of a very frightened man driving very slowly
around a slippery an extremely scary circuit. So this is the model that
borrows some of the parts from the GTS.

To make it faster, to make it lighter
more agile making a bit sharper than the standard M4 and the M4
competition and so that means this cars about 35 kgs lighter than the
competition not a huge amount and it's still 1580 kgs at the curb it's still
close to 1600 kgs, this car, so let's not go pretending it's a
lightweight track machine. It's also got more power than the competition 454
bhp, it'll do 0-60 in sub 4 seconds 3.9 To 62mph in fact which
for a rear driven car like this is really really fast. Last year at this
contest we had the even more focused GTS along, I was one of the few who
absolutely loved it and there are similarities between these two cars
they're both set up stiffly with very little understeer, direct and responsive
steering and in loads of oversteer if you want it in the wet though, with the
CS you get oversteer whether frankly you want it or not. It's less than 10 degrees
outside and there's no grip at all, it's compounded because this cars on Michelin
Cup 2 tires which are just struggling so much.

I'm driving the car in comfort mode,
I've got the softest suspension setting just to try and help the chassis find
some grip, I've also got this stability control
system on entirely and even so the cars just slipping and sliding, the front end
will push. Massive understeer there and then it'll slide there and then I'll try
and get the power down and it'll slide again, really you're just holding on I've
driven this M4 CS enough in the dry to know that it's a big improvement on
an M4 competition, BMW say the only difference chassis wise part of the
country tires is the software so apparently all the chassis settings all
the spring rates and damper rates are all the same. I'm not persuaded by that, I have to say, because I think the chassis feels so different to any other M4 that
I've driven, what you've got in this car in the dry particularly on the road is
body control especially over the rear axle the cars just more settled it's
more composed than a standard m4 or the m4 competition which they've been
getting better and better year-on-year but they're still wild things to drive. I
really wanted the M4 CS to be good but the reality is somewhat different unless
you've got the skill, the commitment and the bravery to grab it by its horns in
these wet conditions, it's actually pretty horrifying.

Particularly in these conditions, there's something about the throttle calibration
that's really, really tricky to judge, you seem to give it half throttle and you
just get all the boost. The engine lights up, the turbos spool up even more
and then you just break traction and the car slides. Let's see what happens if we
get into M dynamic mode, so halfway house, yeah would you believe it it will
slide it's quite a nice mode this, you've still got some safety net there but it
just lets the car go a little bit so you can get it moving around on a circuit. With those track grass tire wall, there's no runoff whatsoever.

So systems fully off, is this
going to end in a terrible crash? It will drift beautifully actually this
car, you've got to measure that throttle input that first throttle input but come
on, it's an M car, of course it drifts. Can't argue with that can you and it's a
shame because I think this is the best M4 ever, it's just so hard to
appreciate that when there's so little grip. To the Honda civic Type-R, as they
say beauty is in the eye of the beholder 300-ish horsepower, a hot hatchback and we've
also got near 600 horsepower, we've got 700 horsepower supercars here so that's the
beauty of our annual sort of handling day challenge. It doesn't matter how fast a
car is, what matters is what it does to you in here, how
it makes you feel and that is why over the years, not always the fastest car

Now the Civic is our favorite hot hatch of the moment it is the hatch du
jour isn't it because this generation Civic gets multi-link rear end rather
than a torsion beam, the previous gen one was just a little bit one-dimensional at
times it was really fast around the Nordschleife but slightly irritating
around the North Circular. This one has got a broader remit, if you like, it's
meant to be more comfortable at one end of things but also more agile and faster
at the other extreme of things. According to the engineers every scoop, every wing
has a specific job to play and how this thing goes. Can I feel them actually
doing their thing? Mmm I'm not sure but what I can feel is that
clever front diff finding grip where frankly today it had no right to.

It's a lot
of power to put through the front wheels this isn't it?  It's a lot of torque to put through the front wheels as well but the Civic is pretty clever suspension wise. Doesn't break
into understeer very easily it's quick in a straight line, revs to about seven,
it's quite engaging noise, it does feel agile. I like it, I like this car quite a lot, maybe a bit less
than some of my colleagues who think it's the best hot hatchback in years and
it's got such an able, capable chassis Not everybody is a fan of the Civic
Type-R but I am an advocate. For me, it has a perfect blend of adjustability and
stability and in these wet conditions it has masses of grip and bundles of

Enough to give the much more powerful BMW M4 CS a hard time around the lap.
And it has but I slightly miss some of the old delicacy that the just departed Renault Megane, Renault Sport
had that when you turned in and you sort of trailed the brakes or you lifted mid corner,
you got much more adjustability than this car has but in
terms of outright capability, bump absorption, resistance to both understeer
and oversteer, this car is superior no question and I think it's good enough
to hold its head really high in this company. It steers really nicely, there's
a little bit of torque steer, that has to be expected with this level of torque and power, the gearbox is really snicky, it's a real highlight of this
car I think, the gearbox. And when you've only got 300 odd horsepower to push you
around rather than 700, you know, it's quite nice
to have something else to do down the straights. It's very fast in hot
hatchback terms but with it comes, I think a pleasingly
old-school level of engagement, I rather like that I'll be honest, I rather like

How many times have these cars won end of year
contests like this one, these 911 GT3's, the RS', GT2's, they just dominate
these competitions don't they? Here we are then, this is the second
generation 991 GT3. It was the 911 R that won last year and here we are with an even more
track-focused version of the 911, it all bodes very well indeed for this car
doesn't it? It is an interesting point, this car is on the same tires, Michelin Pilot
Sport Cup 2's, as that M4 CS. Okay, there might be a small difference in size,
small difference in compound fundamentally it's the same tyre. That M4
was all over the place, it was hard work actually it was really, really tricky,
really scary, this thing, this things so much easier to drive quickly, there's so
much more feel, you're not guessing, you're not alarmed when it suddenly
snaps sideways from out nowhere you know when it's going to do it you can feel
where the grip is you can feel how much front end it's got.

The GT3 is
magnificent even in the wet and even at sensible speeds, on the road for example
it steers beautifully, it's compact, it has great visibility and fairly
obviously the bags of traction it takes all of the focus of the BMW but puts it
in a lighter more responsive more compact package that rides steers and
handles better than well almost any other car on the planet. I've left it in the
softest damper setting because I want to try and find some grip in this in these
treacherous conditions and even in that mode the body control is so good, this
track it's got lots of Rises lots of crests and compressions the steering is
beautiful, it's e-pass, okay, so it doesn't have that same kind of pattery
sensation at low speed that you got with a hydraulic rack but the best e-pass
system i've ever come across, we've got great break ceramics on this
car and the brakes just aren't wilting, you've got so much pedal feel as well. And then if you want to you can make the
things slide really, really easily and it just feels so well balanced when you're
in a drift actually a 911 the hardcore 911 sliding like that is one of drivings
most amazing sensations . Despite everything being in the wrong place, this
car just works it does things no car with all that weight so far from the
front wheel should.

It would be flat-out laps all day long and you can slide it
around like a GT86 if that's your thing. Let's talk about the drivetrain, so we're up to 4 litres and this is the first time Porsche has been able to combine a four
litre engine with a 9,000 rpm redline, woohoo 9,000 rpm! When you get through
7,000 let's give it a go so up to seven thousand eight thousand, nine it just
lights up. This PDK gearbox, it's as quick as they come. Instant gear shifts, exactly when you want them.

What a drivetrain, what a drivetrain
this is. This normally aspirated flat six 475 horsepower masses of performance got
very linear power delivery because it's not turbocharged and it works so nicely
in these conditions. That soundtrack, this engine is just spectacular, the best
drivetrain out of the whole group? I think it is, isn't it? What's got a
better soundtrack and more exciting engine, more thrilling power delivery a
sharper gearbox than this thing? Nothing here, wow, I know it's predictable but
this thing is gonna take some beating. Our next car was AMG's take on the 911
GT3 it's the AMG GT car.

Now when Mercedes made this thing they made it
for one reason and one reason only and that was to punch Porsche and their GT3
square on the nose what's it like well it's got 577 horsepower which is
slightly less than we have in the E-Class, same engine four litre twin-turbo V8,
well I say the same engine the same base of the engine, this thing's got different ECU
some different internals a different state of tune, is it a nearly but not
quite in terms of as good as the Porsche GT3? Well today it's gonna be quite hard
to tell because it is soaking wet today it's probably not the ideal car, woah,
for these conditions. On cut slick Michelin Cup 2 tyres, the GTRs tricky
in the wet but still so sharp and responsive. There's a bump coming out of
the second chicane that upsets it on every lap flicking it into a small slide
each time but if you can get the tyre temperatures
up, the GTR feels like a mini GT3 racing car. I've spent quite a bit of
time in this car and I really, really enjoy them.

I'm gonna be honest it's so
wet today we're not going to set any representative lap times on how capable
this car is so I'm just gonna have a mess around see how fun it is or otherwise
in these conditions, I love that noise I'm gonna turn the traction control
completely off because, well just because, brakes feel mega ooh, turning oversteer.
Oh, it's nervous in the wet. You can have a bit of a play with it
slippery those big tyres just hunting for the water. Can I use full power, I can, will
it slow down? I don't know.

Brake pedals feel really nice, the brakes
in this are so much nicer than they were in that E-class I was just in
let's see what it's like on turn in, a bit of understeer there that's just because of the
wetness. Bit of slide careful for the red and whites. Don't shut the power down
straightaway because it will snap back. The GTR is a truly compelling car, wider
and louder and lairy-er than a 911 GT3 but with a distinct personality all of
its own and rewarding in its own way.

It's also seriously fast it makes loads
of noise and you think, 'Is this thing all mouth and no trousers?' And then you
check the lap time. Gearbox works well, a couple of times it will miss its down changes. A bit of understeer through there but that really is me carrying
too much speed into the corner. Here you go baby.
This is an absolute monster of a car.

What's it like over these bumps? It rides
the bumps really well, really, really well actually. I really, really like this car it's playful it's fast I love the
way it looks nothing like as intimidating as I was expecting it to be
in these wet conditions. If the GTR feels like a GT3 racer
there's a car here that feels more like a touring car, the Alfa Romeo Giulia
Quadrifoglio. Which was a car developed in a really short
space of time so short some people said it couldn't be done but there was a
bloke in charge who's project before that I think was the Ferrari 458 speciale,
which is not a bad thing to be going on with, is it frankly? And I know it's a
different car this is a saloon car that is a supercar but you can sort of tell
it's got that mark on it.

The steering's really quick two turns lock to lock but
with it there's this sort of real silky smoothness and the ride is absolutely
beautifully composed on the road and around the circuit like this uncannily
smooth. This is on P Zero Corsa's you could also have I think Trofeo's
which are even more race track oriented. Doesn't have a conventional limited slip
diff I think it's got this sort of Q2 differential I suppose with electronics and clutches it's quite a clever system. It means that it's more refined
on the road and on turn in because it doesn't lock up and exacerbate understeer, what it
does is it allows the rear wheels to turn at whatever speeds they really want to
and then it only electronically hooks up under acceleration when you particularly
want it to but this is pretty well set up, frankly.

Even if you put the car into
race mode, you can hit the damper button and slack in the suspension off that
makes a huge difference on a bumpy road but on track in these very slippery
conditions it also means the Guilia finds traction and grip that other cars
simply don't. There are cars in which a wet bumpy circuit like Castle Combe
would be pretty terrifying if they had rear-wheel drive P Zero Corsa's and 510
horsepower from a turbocharged engine so when the tourque kicks in the torque fairly
kicks in too but as long as you keep things switched on,  it's actually quite
manageable, this car, we're in D at the moment, let's stick it into race. That firms everything up, I'll pick a corner and we'll see how it behaves. This thing is basically a four-door Ferrari make no mistake.

The front end is sharp
and it's as crisp as you could want a front axle to be, it will slide so
progressively once you're used to that quick front steering rack and turning in
on the brakes only seems to exacerbate that feeling of alertness.
Quite often we invite a saloon car along to a test like this, you get to a point
you go 'Yeah it's good for what it is' and then it will finish nearly last because what it is is a 1.7
1.8 Ton saloon car and a sports car unsurprisingly beats it. You just don't get
that with this, I am convinced it is a better car than an M3 or an M4 I think
it's the best super saloon you can buy at the moment I prefer it to all of them, quick Jags, quick mercs, it's got a world-class,
absolutely world-class chassis. If you've got a 250 mile journey to do in a day, some of it on motorway and some of it on lovely back roads, it's not much better than one of
these on sale at the moment and I. Genuinely mean that at any price, any
power, any size of car, I think this is absolutely one of the most enjoyable
cars on sale, I love it to bits it's so beautifully balanced.

This car is, is
great in all conditions I think in conditions like this particularly it
could win I mean I'm having as much fun here as I suspect I will have in the
fastest cars that we've got here. From cutting-edge Italian exotica to a
bathtub on wheels built in a shed in England. What's this test called? AutoCar handling day. Well then this is the winner isn't it? It's the Caterham 7 This is what they're built to do.

Okay it's not quite that simple but this car is fantastic around here it's a 420 Donington edition, one of
only 10 that they're going to make, Caterham's got a new dealership at Donington
Park and these limited edition models commemorate that new dealership. Each of the 10 cars is named after a corner at Donington, this one's car number one and
it's named after red gate. This is a 420 which means it's got a 2 litre normally aspirated four-cylinder engine with 210bhp. It feels more like
400, the car's so light, it's less than 600kgs so it's got so much
performance and check this out sequential gear shift how cool is that.

Clutch less up shifts, flat on the throttle, pull back the lever and it changes up a gear makes you feel like you're in a racing car. Clutch in on the way down, does not get any better than that. Conditions are a bit better now but it's still so slippery out here. This car's on the most aggressive tyres out of any car here.

They're basically barely road legal, track day tyres, they've got hardly any tread on them. You'd look at them, look at the conditions and think the car's going to be a nightmare Do you know what? It's one of the most drivable cars here A Caterham might not be built with these
cars and conditions but it is great in them nonetheless. It doesn't weigh very
much so it's really agile and it has a linear power delivery and so much
steering feel that it is the cartiest car of the bunch
you can dole out just as much power as this tiny sports car needs which makes it
great fun to drive in wet or dry You know exactly what the car's doing, it's got great traction. To make it slide like that you've got to dig right into the throttle pedal.

It's got good turn in grip but of course
you can feel everything that the front tyres are doing the steering is just
spectacular it's got good cornering grip as well and
it's even got good braking grip. This car has no ABS, it should be locking up
all over the place but because it's got such great pedal feel you don't lock out With the track so slippery you can just
play about with it, make the car slide all over the place.
Surely it's the most entertaining car here. When the track is this wet, right now there's nothing else I'd rather be in. You can't hide your mistakes in a Caterham.

It's basically like going back to school, no
ABS, no traction control, no windscreen even. Just perfect then, well, maybe I'd have
the windscreen, but that's it. The engine, 210 bhp at 7600
RPM, it's a proper ripper. It's a snorty, rauty, aggressive engine.

You have to
use all the revs, it's a brilliant, brilliant thing. It sounds fantastic and the car is so fast, there's not weight to it. Sixth gear, 110mph. Coming down into quarry, slippery right-hander get it turned in, get on the power and make it slide all the way to the exit.

It doesn't get much better than this guys.
It's less than 50 grand, this car. It's one of the cheaper cars in this test and, you know what? It's one of the quickest cars here. And on track it's maybe the most
entertaining car here. How can you argue with that? So, from no touring to Grand Touring next
up is Aston Martin's DB11.

V8. So, if I played a little game with you, let's
say we started playing the word association game and I said to you track
car I'd be very surprised if any one of you came back and shouted DB11, no, not
gonna happen. But, let me tell you something. The chap that is now responsible
for how these things handle is also the guy that was responsible for how every
modern Lotus handles and when he left Lotus and came to Aston Martin he
brought with him all of his top guys I've got a sneaky suspicion this is
going to be a pretty good car to drive.

It's wet today, it's cold, it's damp, those
conditions actually play into this car because it's quite soft it's quite heavy it's
lighter than the E-class that we were in earlier but it's slightly heavier than the AMG
GTR. This thing has got 510 horsepower and 500 lbs-ft of torque. First impressions it feels a very nice car to drive on track, it's not
intimidating it rides beautifully, the brakes feel nice it's quick slow engine
horsepower it's quick in the same way the other two were quick and actually
I'd say that in these conditions it is the nicer, more progressive car. The Aston Martin is one of the three cars here to use the Mercedes 4 litre
twin-turbo V8, it's a brilliant performance car engine with sharp
throttle response and tons of power and remarkably Aston has made it feel like
it really belongs in the development the soundtrack is rich and cultured just as
you'd expect of an Aston.

This steering is nice it's really nicely weighted it's
beautifully damped. Everything on this car's beautifully damped actually. The suspension's beautifully damped that the sneering a beautifully damped the brake pedal feel
is nice the turn in is good considering the conditions it doesn't feel as
aggressive as either of the AMG's. It actually feels nicer, that the damping is
definitely nicer in this thing I've put that down to the chap from

I put that down to his input in the car. It's like a puddle out here, right, you know what. I know I said it was throwing it down but I'm gonna turn the ESP off to see what we can get out of the dynamics
of it the funny thing about this track this is an intimidating track none of
the cars I've been in today have been particularly intimidating, I have to say
it's the track if you get it slightly wrong there's no room for error you've
got a bit of grass and it's a very very hard metal barrier, that is all you've got. Right, let's go and have a look here, okay, so.

What's it like on the exit? Bit of power so it slides, you can keep hold of that. Nice breakaway, the way it regained its
grip, quite progressive as well not bad, not bad at all, I quite like that. The DB11 really
came into its own in these conditions with a V8 engine in its nose rather than
the V12, it's lighter which reduces understeer and makes it far more willing
to turn but then it still has loads of torque too and with a long wheelbase, the
engine in the front and rear wheel drive that makes it a delightful car in which
to go sideways. Woah, bit of a big angle there, that's cool.

Yeah they have done a great job
with this car it's not a track car of course it's not
but in today's conditions it works perfectly. I can't drive this car completely flat out
because it's just absolutely chucking it down. The suspension works perfectly, it glides, it's absolutely wonderful. It glides but it doesn't feel unruly so they've done the magic thing of making the car feel like it's floating when it
needs to be but it's perfectly responsive when you want it to be.

You can play, you
can have a drift good good car I like it brakes are nice, gearbox works well, it's a
beast, it's a beast. From one powerful Brit to another the
most powerful car on the test in fact you join me about 20 minutes after it
has hosed down wetter than an otters pocket sort of hosing. Perfect conditions for a
lightweight carbon fiber, highly turbocharged 700-plus horsepower
mid-engine supercar wouldn't you say well let's see let's deal with the
things that we can do with at any speed. Brake pedal feel is good, steering still
hydraulic, is lovely it feels light it feels agile, it turns really crisply and
smoothly I've got everything on I mean the sort of mid mode now this is where
the McLaren gets a little bit more complicated because you have to put, A,
this panel into active mode in the first instance so if I want aero mode I have to
push a button I've now got, at the moment I'm in manual which I want, I've got my
powertrain and my chassis in there middle setting.

So it goes Comfort, Sport,
Track. We're in sport at the moment sports probably in the wet about as firm as you
want to make the dampers because you want a bit of body lean to make the
tyres work so you put some weight on the outside tyres. The traction control light
just sort of blinks away going, 'Yeah, I'm just here, I'm just doing my thing
just to stop you spearing off into a wall.' Despite being so fast in a straight
line and having so much cornering ability, the 720S is actually one of the
most drivable cars here, it's easy to read and it has great steering. It is fairly extraordinary, this car has got, what, 720 horsepower, 710 brake.

What did the McLaren F1 have? 627 So it's got pushing on for 80 horsepower more than a McLaren F1.
It's now turbocharged quite heavily turbocharged, it's a 4 litre engine so it's
quite boosting but in no way does that power come on too intimidatingly. Now, this is near hypercar speed I suspect around a race circuit, if I know around a race
circuit, this car is quicker than a P1 which makes it one of the fastest
production cars in the world and yet and yet they are, just nudge up to the
understeer a bit, there's a bit of oversteer, so what it's
all very, very manageable. The 720S is not as adjustable as a GT3 once the grip has gone, mainly due to their lack of an LSD. Ride is class leading, it's even S-class levels of good.

The way it's unaffected
by the big curbs on the racetrack is absolutely amazing and the speed is
otherworldly and of course it does have the variable drift control. Variable drift control right there we go I've turned it up a bit, that will allow a certain
degree of opposite lock before the stability control cuts in so now my
traction control light is always on it would appear and there it goes. It shows
you just how much traction control was working a minute ago in these conditions
because it is now just, just breathe on the throttle and the back breaks away
but in a very progressive fashion, it's not exactly progressive by Aston V8 DB
11 standards, it shouldn't be, it's not expected to be. So that's third gear, bit of understeer, little bit of oversteer and then it just as long as
you're steady on the throttle it thinks you know what you're doing, it just opens
up the taps a bit and even down the straight there just as the boost comes
on, it lets it step out a little bit.

I think what's remarkable about this car
is that these are really not the conditions for it yet here I am having more fun than you would necessarily expect, there is no question
this is a world-class supercar at any speed apparently in any conditions McLaren's 720S is also one of the most
track-focused cars here, once the circuit had dried the 720S put its clever active
arrow sublime chassis and neck snapping 710bhp to good use,
setting a time of 1 minute 11.6 Seconds its lap time would not be beaten. We set
lap times at Combe but don't read too much into them we do them just because
we can rather than because they have any effect on our verdicts. The conditions
were a bit changeable with the AMG GT R. Still posted an incredibly
respectable time given how wet it was when we tested it.

The Civic was the
slowest car tested but don't forget our verdict is not about the overall lap
time, what's more interesting than that is that the Civic's corner speeds were as
high as any other car here. These are the nine best performance cars of the year
but we're here to put them in an order and that means one of them has to come
last. In 9th position... It's the BMW M4 CS, the CS is a huge
improvement on the standard m4 but it just did not work in these conditions.

In eighth... It's the mercedes AMG E63 S. The E63 is a game changer for fast estate
cars but in this sort of test there's just no escaping its weight In seventh place... It's the second of the two Mercedes, the AMG GT R.

I'm sure the GTR
would have performed better in dry conditions but as it was it just wasn't
suited to a wet Castle Combe. Sixth position then... Goes to the Honda Civic Type-R, it may not be a podium finish considering thecompetition the Civic
Type-R can go home with his head held high. The Caterham and the Alfa share fourth...

Think about that for a sec, a four-door saloon as good to drive on track as a
car that was designed to do nothing but that, well-done Alfa Romeo. And so to the
top three. In third place well and truly making the most of the conditions is the Aston martin DB11 with its benign handling balance
and endearing V8 engine making it a lovely car to drive. The McLaren's 720's
and Porsche 911 GT3 meanwhile would have  come out on top whatever the conditions.

The 720s in second place is a belter, faster than even McLaren's own P1
hypercar, it's an example of what you can do if you keep a car as light as
possible and give it... Well, loads of power! But it's fun at normal
speeds too, some of our judges thought it could even have pinched the overall
victory. So there you have it, 2017's best drivers car according to us is the Porsche 911 GT3 Happy? Absolutely happy, yeah. I think it's a mighty, mighty car
again from the Porsche motorsport division.

What a surprise, eh?  I had to think long and hard about any vices, anything I didn't like about this car. When it was really wet yesterday, the Cup 2 tyres
were out of their depth but even then the car was drivable, it was manageable it
was fun, it's mega yep. Some engine as well. Mate, what do you reckon? Yeah it's a
mega bit of kit.

Yeah it's an assault on the senses, it's fast, it was just so much fun
to drive and it's the sort of car that just eggs you on. It's so engaging, the only thing that I. Wasn't so blown away by was the engine
over the last thousand rpm, so between eight and nine it just sounds like it
got that last thousand rpm just for the sake of having it it's just a little bit
harsh but other than that yeah that's a small criticism but other than that it's
absolutely fantastic deserving winner. Alright so, beyond the obvious winner, what
has impressed you? The McLaren the 720S.

Was absolutely fantastic there's a
delicacy to to how it drives and how it goes about its business, it's so fast,
it's by far the quickest thing here and I loved the Giulia as well. The Giulia
is absolutely fantastic. It does feel like a four-door Ferrari and I know it's a cliche
but that is the truth the other cars that stood out for me were the Aston
Martin, I thought particularly in the wet yesterday on circuit it was really good
and in the dry on track it's still pretty entertaining it just makes me
think how brilliant is the Vantage going to be? Smaller, shorter, lighter, more focused
chassis. The other car that i had a lot of fun in as you can tell from my little
segment in it was the Caterham, particularly on a greasy
circuit there's just nothing like a Seven to fling around a wet track.

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