It would have cost us too much money. The car loans from work are quite cheap in relativity so we went via that route. We've always gone for used, but the cars we've had,
we've generally gone for a car that's a couple of years old because they drop their value quite a bit and then actually you've got a fairly new car but you're not paying an extra five, 10 thousand pounds
on top of that for a brand new car. Probably try and put as much of a deposit on the car as possible even though you wouldn't want to, sort of, let go of your money.
It might mean that you end up paying less in the long run. You've got to tax it, you've got to MOT it, service it
and there's all those things but one of the things that I found with my car
that I hadn't realised is kind of the extra jobs where, you know,
the general maintenance of the car... To have a pot of money for those, you know, situations. When you decide you're going to buy a car you actually research what the insurance is going to be in the first place.
We will shop around, so if our insurance company
then puts the premiums up we will make sure that we shop around. People just think about petrol but, you know, all the time the servicing
and everything else and surprise things that come with the servicing
and that sort of thing. I think never underestimate what a car ownership... The costs that are involved..