- I am about to drive
the world's first car. This was invented by Karl
Benz, patented in 1886. Of course, this is not the
real thing, this is a replica. But I've partnered with Mercedes to make a video about car safety.
- Yeah. (Laughs) - Right? There's not a lot of safety here. Safety would come later. You ready? - Yeah! I trust you.
(Engine sputters slowly) Awesome! - I'm driving the world's
first motor vehicle. When he made his patent, what
did he call this invention? - Patent Motorcar. This is the gasoline tank. The only place in Germany
where you could actually buy ligroin, or gasoline,
back then were pharmacies.
They sold it not as a cough
medicine, don't worry. They sold it as a stain
remover, a washing agent. In Germany, there's still
a word, Waschbenzin, washing gasoline, but no one really knows why it's called like that. Benz had an early thing for safety.
His ignition is a really modern one, because in here there's a battery inside which was fairly new back then. And, of course, igniting
the gasoline oxygen fumes with an electric spark is much safer than if you go with your lighter there and you're trying to ignite a whole thing. Let's say the most
important part, or course, is the cylinder with the piston. And the piston moves front and back.
- This is a single cylinder engine. - Yeah, a single cylinder engine. This is the cooling water tank, and of course what's really important, it's the oil reservoir. Lubrication is really
important, because you can see everything's open here, and so all the time you lose a lot of oil, and for my colleagues it's always a big fuss cleaning this thing up.
This the drive belt. - Right. - It's not just a drive
belt, it's also your brake. It's leather, so you can
imagine if you do brake a lot you get problems with the leather band.
The flywheel here we
need for the ignition. We need it to start it. (Engine sputters) - Wow! (Laughs) - Okay, see, that's really simple. We don't have a lot of stuff here.
- Yeah. - We just have the steering crank, and this is our gas and our brakes. - Okay, you're moving us into gear. - Yeah.
- Whoa! (Engine sputters) This does feel fast. - Oh, it even goes, ahh, faster. - Whoa! (Both laugh) The top speed of this vehicle
was 16 kilometers per hour, that's about 10 miles an hour. - We can go fast.
- It feels faster than I was expecting. (Engine sputters) Just 16 years later, this car could go 80 kilometers per hour. This car in 1928 could already
go 192 kilometers per hour. By 1938, cars had gotten incredibly fast.
This car right here set a record of 432.7 Kilometers per hour. That's almost 270 miles per hour, and another driver trying
to beat that record died the same day. And to this day, no one has
beat that car on a public road. The automobile revolutionized
It allowed people to travel
faster than ever before. But that also created a really
difficult physics problem, which is that if you're moving
fast and you need to stop or you hit something, you have to decelerate incredibly rapidly and that creates huge forces
on the people inside the car, and causing injury and sometimes death. And as more and more cars came on the road and traveled faster and faster, the number of fatalities increased, peaking in a lot of developed
nations in the '70s. But then scientists and
engineers embraced this challenge and figured out new, innovative ways to create cars to minimize those injuries.
To improve safety, regular crash testing began in the late 1950s. But what amazes me is, the crash test dummy really
hadn't been perfected yet. So actual scientists and engineers drove the cars in crash tests. - People like me actually started to do first testing with themselves.
Certain accelerations,
how much you can suffer, I mean before you get any injuries. Of course, today this
would be impossible to do. - But when they finally did
develop crash test dummies, well then people weren't
driving the cars anymore so they needed a different
way to propel the vehicle. And so they used this, a hot water rocket, to propel the car into all
sorts of crash test situations.
One of the first major safety innovations that was introduced in a car like this in 1959 was crumple zones. That is, regions in the
front and the rear of the car that were designed to collapse
in the event of an accident. I remember when I was a kid,
hearing about crumple zones thinking that was a ridiculous
idea to improve safety. I mean, why would you
want your car to collapse? But the point is to increase the distance over which
the deceleration occurs, and in doing so, you
actually reduce the magnitude of the acceleration and so you reduce the forces on the passengers inside.
And that is what saves lives. - This vehicle has done a
64 kilometer per hour crash, frontal impact, against
a deformable barrier. This is what we classically
call the crumple zone. - But it's this beam here
that's designed to crumple? - Exactly.
So this takes away a lot
of energy by crumpling. The passenger compartment
itself is designed with different steel qualities, if you want, high strength and ultra
high strength materials, so that it's getting stiffer
and stiffer as closer as you get to the passenger compartment. - One of the biggest
challenges for car safety is Newton's First Law that
says whatever is moving at a constant speed will tend to maintain that constant speed. So if a car hits something,
the people inside maintain their constant speed,
fly through the windshield, and suffer a very high deceleration
when they hit the road.
This is why seatbelts are so important. They ensure that you stay in the vehicle and decelerate with it. You know, when seatbelts
were originally introduced, they were an option, something
you could pay extra for. But once we realized
just how useful they are and how they save lives,
well, they became standard and now they are mandatory.
Now, airbags were made
available by Mercedes-Benz for the first time in a
serious production car in 1981. And again, the idea is similar. In a head-on collision, you
want to stop the driver's head from accelerating too fast
into the steering wheel, and that's what the airbag does. It allows that acceleration
to take place over a larger distance and
therefore at a lower rate.
So it helps preserve the driver's head. - What you can also see is,
look at this tiny gap here. You can barely get your
fingers in between. - So that steering column has collapsed.
- Exactly. And it has collapsed in a designed way. So after you reach a
certain force threshold, then the driver basically pushes away the entire steering column,
including the airbag, by taking away energy. And what you want to do as an
engineer for restraint systems is that you want to basically
connect the driver, passenger, and the occupants as tightly
as possible to the car in a way that you have the
most time to decelerate.
- Seatbelts, crumple zones, and airbags are all passive safety features. They're passive in that
they assume a collision is occurring and they're just trying to reduce the acceleration
on the passengers inside. But there are also active safety systems, like the anti-lock braking system, or ABS, which was introduced by Mercedes in 1978. The idea with ABS is to
give you more control so you may be able to swerve
the car and avoid an accident.
The way ABS works is by
allowing the wheels to rotate rather than locking them up, and having the wheels
slide across the ground as might happen with
traditional braking systems. So, with ABS the wheel is allowed to turn, and then it's braked hard, and
then it turns a little more, brakes again. And by doing that in quick succession you allow the wheel to
stay rolling on the ground and maintain static
friction against the road. That actually increases
the frictional force and increases your ability to decelerate and also steer around a collision.
So ABS was a huge improvement
over past braking systems. All of these innovations have dramatically improved road safety. But there's always more to be done. And I got to take a look at Mercedes Benz Intelligent
Drive technology, which is what they're doing right now to improve safety,
performance, and convenience.
And I actually made a
series of videos about that over on Mercedes-Benz Channel. You can click here to check them out. (Car engine hums) Okay, we're about to go
into a dangerous turn. (Brakes squeal) and
experience the Pre-Safe.
(Laughing) - [Driver] Hey, I can't brake. - I can see this car coming, oh my god! (Brakes squeal) (host laughs) - It tends for
me to brake in this situation. - I have been in more potentially
crash situations today than I have been in for my
whole life. (Driver laughs).