characters from Disney Pixars upcoming Cars 3, let's meet the new cars. After two movies, we've met so many different
characters around the world and it looks like the fun has just begun. In this movie, McQueen will be facing the
biggest racing challenge of his career. First up is Natalie Certain, voiced by Kerry
Washington from the hit show Scandal, Natalie is a top-notch statistical analyst whos
all about the numbers.
She knows how fast each car goes and what
it takes to win by compiling numbers and stats. She is a super-smarty-pants who knows the
ins and outs of statistics when it comes to racing. Did you guys check out these cars on the TV
screen, recognize any characters? Natalie Certain's royal red color gives her
a really nice polished look. Speaking of polished, this next character
is everything but polished.
Hang on to your butts and get ready for a
Demolition Derby legend, meet Miss Fritter a giant monster truck looking school bus
with smoke stacks of doom Miss Fritter is voiced by Lea DeLaria, from the hit netflix
series "Orange is the New Black". Miss Fritter loves collecting her victims
license plates as her prize and it looks like she's got a lot. Is that a nose ring we see?! That is one stop sign we definitely want to
stay away from! Miss Fritter looks like she is ready to tear
up the arena in the Demoliton Derby, let's hope she is nice to McQueen. Alright, moving on, we've still got lots more
Meet the sleek and silver Sterling is a brilliant
businesscar. Sterling heads up the training facility Rust-eze
Racing Center. He's a charming dapper and unassuming
but willing to do anything when it comes down to business. Sterling looks like a classic car you'd see
taking a sunday drive.
Sterling will be voiced by Nathan Fillion. The all new Cars 3 poster is awesome and looks
lightning fast! We get to see Lightning McQueen races on the beach in the lead with two new
main characters behind him, get ready for Cruz Ramirez and Jackson Storm! If you don't know who Cruz Ramirez is, then
pay attention; she's the young race technician who helps mcqueen get back in the race after
his tragic accident. One theory suggests Cruz might take the lead
if there are anymore Cars movies in the future. Could Cars 4 feature Cruz as the main character
and have McQueen be the new mentor? Leave your comment down below and let us know
what you think.
Hamilton is a high-tech, Siri like built-in
voice command assistant who is voiced by a real life racer and Formula One winner, Lewis
Hamilton. It is highly likely that Hamilton will be
a feature in Jackson storm's car and if you haven't seen the sleek and powerful Jackson
Storm, don't blink because he will fly past you at 214 mph. Jackson STorm is the villain of the film but
let's hope he eventually warms up to Lightning McQueen. Now I know you guys are wondering who is coming
back from the previous films, well wonder no more! Previous cast members like Mater, the beautiful
Sally Carrera, Lizzie, Sheriff, Fillmore, Sarge, Ramone, Luigi and more.
I'm sure more characters will pop up before
Cars 3 hits theaters on June 16. This is shaping up to be the best Cars movie
ever and we're dying to know what happens to Lightning McQueen in this tragic crash. Have you seen the crash yet? Click on this video here to see what happens. To make sure you never miss another Cars 3
video, hit the subscribe button!.
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