Okay. Okay there we go I just bought some money because that's what I do free cups and let's put it in the office garage. We just spent four million GTA dollars on this vehicle I'd better be good I've heard that it's another vehicle with a booster, okay? So now what we're gonna. Do is we're just gonna fly around real quick We're gonna go all the way to the maze bank because that's where I keep all my shiznit And then we're gonna we're gonna call this vehicle and we're gonna pimp our ride because that's what we love doing Also, it seems there are a few new clothes.
Let's check those out, too Okay, and all we have to do is jump out right now so right down below There's a garage and that's where our vehicle should be Okay, and it has been delivered. Let's check it out the Batmobile I mean the cop mobile okay. Doesn't seem to be on the first floor Maybe one floor up. Let's check it out.
Is it on this floor. Yes it is Wow Look at this thing it's matte black it has a entrance in the front which is Probably for the rocket engine on the back, I guess Jet engine look at that on the back it had some really big wheels Let's just get into it and let's pimp this bad boy right oh my goodness Look at this thing this thing is amazing It is a machine gun in the front. Are you kidding me? It can't even make that jump too much There we go okay. It made the jump it has a machine gun in the front let let's pimp it Let's be input actually before we pimp it.
Let's put on some men some some correct clothing. We need to dress up propria If we don't dress up a pro prettily nobody's gonna Take it seriously that we're actually here trying to fight crime good look at that It has the boost just like the other car, but not only a boost it has a machine gun, too Which you can shoot just like that? But you kind of don't want to shoot it because obviously police will come and join us but look at that I want to check out the interior in a second - first. Let's get some t-shirts and pimp this bad boy Where are the t-shirts are they just t-shirts I swear I always struggle trying to find the new clothing Oh, these are the new t-shirts so we have cheerleader Massacre Halloween surprise that looks like a cheerleader And she's been massacred Vinewood zombie and knife after dark Those are the new t-shirts we got and then the rest was already there I actually no joke own this t-shirt on this t-shirt on this t-shirt in real life That is and this one and this one and this one and this one and this one They're actually really cool ruksar send them to me. So thank you for that ruff sir.
Anyways we checked out the new t-shirts wedge We're pretty cool. Let's go ahead and try to pimp this bad boy Please tell me your pimple bowl. Okay. Please tell me we can at least change your color.
That would be very nice. Let's go Let's go. I'm Batman open up now dad said that they didn't work. I'm Batman We're gonna be doing this Batman.
Let's go. Let's go okay I'm done that I'm done pretending to be Batman this vehicle can only be modified in a weapon and vehicle workshop in the mobile operations center Okay that Makes me even happier than I already was let's do that. Okay It's parked around the corner add cups what this means is that we can get some pretty badass stuff on our vehicle Okay, customizing it in a mobile operation center means you can most of the time get weapons on there Okay, not just only weapons put a lot of other really cool things. Are you kidding me? There's a truck behind my mobile operation center.
Let's get into the Volvo it cannot even get into the mobile operation center Let's get in there coops and let's upgrade this backwards first of all we have armor of course We're gonna do the best armor we can do. I'm not level 100 years. I've come to that one Great, but they don't change the outside of a vehicle what I kind of want to like change Is the guns and the wheels? Okay, we'll get a new engine sure headlights I. Don't even see the headlights.
This is misleading the headlights Don't actually change you can have neon on here really Let's get some orange neon oh Boy, yes Look at that we have some nice Okay, we can even switch the first person and Maybe we can change the interior what heat ups think we have a radar over there, and then obviously just the wheel Okay, well that's cool Check out the wrists Respray we can do that suspensions let's lower this vehicle as much as we can just to make it look a little bit cooler and let's upgrade the Transmission, so you know just driving is a lot easier turbo of course spending a lot of money, but now goes oh Boy We can have to see that Do you see that in the front the little ribbons we can have missiles on there? They're expensive, but we got them Obviously we can even upgrade the wheels making bulletproof They're already bulletproof, but we can only change the tyre smoke, so we're changing your tire smoke to orange We can make the windows very Tinted which we definitely should I mean we're plant men at the end of the day am I right? Which leaves us with only one more thing the crew emblem, which we're not gonna get we need a nice little oh My goodness, that's what Jilly is gonna go with we need a nice little color, so I'm thinking Shiny orange or matte orange one of them one of them I just want to show all the colors to you tops so this is this is a right Chinese orange Which looks crazy for sure it looks pretty damn intense Yeah, this is one way of doing it and now let's compare this to crew which is too light matte matte looks really sick matte orange looks intense, but shiny one does have something to you can go with metals and There's an orange metal of course Can we is there a button where you don't I mean orange metal does look a little bit cooler than the regular one Just a little bit. It's a little bit more shiny But then you also have the full medals and the Pearl is send whatever Gives a nice little tone to the vehicle So you can make it a little bit wider you can make it a little bit blue a little bit orange here Let's go with ice white No, let's go with such. We can't damn it. Okay.
We can't go with sunshine orange unfortunately, so we'll just keep it like this default Default, no crew emblem Gups exit the mobile operation center because we at the moment have One of the craziest batman vehicles in the world how does this booster? Oh boy? Wow that car flew That car flew okay, let's try this again. Oh My goodness, that's pretty dope and we can switch between Rockets rockets There you go Machine gun come on Come on And then we also have love come rockets which obviously didn't lock on there because they went underneath the car come on Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? We keep on missing? There we go Okay, come so let's test out this bad boy a little bit We're playing at night because that's when when you're supposed to use this be cool for it You're supposed to use it at night. Is that a police officer. How hard is it to kill these police? This guy really shooting Let's test it out Okay, come on.
It's definitely not a very effective car a very effective Means of light destruction it took a while to kill them there but oh and the Rockets can kill yourself too, just so you know so the vehicles called the night shark if I believe and like I said Shut up, Lester like I said, it's a pretty Damn cool vehicle, but we haven't really raced with it. Where is it? It's down here apparently Dammit, it's not the night sure I'm such an idiot. It's a vigilante I should have known anyways the Vigilante is a very strong vehicle it can only take one rocket as we just saw and that could be your own Rocket, just so you know and please be careful with that I'm not sure if it's bulletproof And I definitely think we should test out and see if it is bulletproof because if it is bulletproof then That means we can definitely use it in some pretty cool and dope things now. I don't think it would be bulletproof and Because it's also not explosive proof.
So that would just be a little bit weird Check it out here. It is and it fits perfectly in with all our other orange amazing vehicles Let's take check it out. Let's see if it's bulletproof. Hey, that's bulletproof tyres.
We know that for a fact though okay, let's let's get out of here and Grab one of our guns shoot the windows okay, the windows are not bulletproof which means that the vehicles probably not bulletproof is if the windows aren't bulletproof then the rest of the Vehicle walls are not be bulletproof now. I'm just wondering Should we try to find somebody and are you kidding me? How could you do that to his rocks or not? Let us make this jump what the hell Let's see if we can find some other guys and maybe Get a nice little race going with him. Here's another one. Oh boy.
Oh boy Only heats right the same. It's right the safe. Are you kidding me what David? Lied So it has a very short boost come on. Let's go we're gonna be racing with this guy.
It is a very short boost But it works. I believe this guy are you kidding me? Are you kidding me that just really happened did that just really happen? Okay, anyways, cups the boost is short, but it's it's very powerful And the vehicle feels very heavy And it seems to act that way too because we can we can drive into other vehicles and bill go flying They definitely go play a taboo Street Church extremely quit Making this a pretty fast vehicle to use There you go you can slam it into other vehicles and You cannot crash it because if you do then, then you need the boat so get the speed again scoffs We're just gonna be racing all the way to the top of the map where hopefully we can We can find somebody else to maybe race against if you're asking like should I buy this vehicle quibble cup It's definitely a cool beautiful It's definitely a vehicle where if you go to a party you go to a club and you roll up in this bad boy? With this big engine in the back. You know flame you flame the engine in the back You're gonna impress some some people you're definitely gonna impress some people if you're using it to just like get around in GTA. Yeah, you can use it.
It's not the fastest but does the job But if you're racing with it definitely Shouldn't get it. It's very expensive But it's just really damn cool. It's just really dope to use it It's just look at this thing Look at this thing every have you ever seen anything like this in GTA before it is a machine gun it has missiles It's a semi bulletproof look at that the rockets come out of the roof Let's say Let's see if we can let's see we can do that again look the Rockets come out like that and they just take everybody out Now I don't know how many rockets there are though. We should we should check that out just be careful because If you accidentally blow yourself up you're gonna die and you're gonna die straight away.
It's a strong vehicle But it's not It's not very durable which is something. You kind of want to have when you're playing GTA 5 Dewar built and both vehicles, are you kidding me are nice, and now I are a nice Adam to the team but look at that the fact that we can launch a rocket from all the way over there and Accurately like take out the police It's pretty damn sick Let's say let's do that again look at the police come really dodge it if we shoot it from midnight's at a nice long distance We have enough time to adjust the rockets and everything will be good We had a flawless Drive to the north of the map. We're just gonna stay on the highway. Oh Those things are very dangerous, we're gonna stay in the highway.
We're gonna try to use as many reps as possible and hopefully Oh Hopefully I just damaged myself by the way Hopefully we can them We can figure out how many Rockets we have over here if I use in the rough? Do we have a limited rockets do we have a limited amount of rockets? I? Don't know maybe the car didn't blow up earlier. No he did they definitely could we just blamed it Okay, and I have to say I'm starting to like this vehicle a lot more now that I realized it had quite a lot of Rough heads, however the moment. I said that I realized we ran out of rockets Yep, there are no Rockets anymore cups, so now you would have to switch to the minigun Which I believe is pretty damn useless? It is it it looks pretty damn useless Let's keep on shooting And let's keep on shooting some more Right over there. Oh boy.
Oh boy and again. We did just do that where we just Totally launched a guy off a cliff which is pretty sick, okay? Not many vehicles can do that, so let's see little what about this guy Nope, it doesn't always work, but it definitely is possible Maybe if you managed to get like maybe if you managed to scoop them a little bit And at that work pretty well, so what about going against traffic Now it sometimes works. It sometimes doesn't work Yes there you go that guy went flying We're a very low in health because like I said the people is not bulletproof and The police is literally just shooting into our window, but look at this isn't that gorgeous We're also driving on two wheels right now. I forgot we even have a booster which we can use to make people flying this guy Let's say let's just drive straight into this Right there, and bum we just set that car flying.
We can take him all the way with us if we really want to and Another boost let's see can we go to the can we go to the military airbase? Can we even fly with this thing oh? Yes, we can and That's also gonna be the end of this vehicle because I just realize that if we are not fast enough We are submerged But we managed to boost out of the out of the water Let's boost out of it again come on come on come on boost out of the water already Yes, so his vehicles also all ride underwater. That's not bad, and it's alright in the air I'm starting to like this vehicle a lot a lot more every single minute This is that was pretty sick actually that was actually really really good What would I recommend this vehicle I? Definitely think it's Quite a lot of fun look at that just looking at you can just do so many fun little mini games with this thing Just go out and let's see you can launch the truck the highest However, we are on the military air base, and they are kind of looking for us Can we fly out of the military air base? Is there like a little ramp? We can take oh there actually is a ramp we can take let's do this Yeah Goddammit, okay, we almost made that maybe we take the second ramp Yeah, yeah So you can also fly out of military base this vehicle is actually pretty damn sick you just have to figure out what it does and you know the things that can and cannot do and They use it accordingly like the fact that we can fly with another vehicle I love these rocket vehicles Robster They're just super dope I'm just waiting for a flying car now so if you could just add that then I would definitely spend ten million GTA dollars on that you got you got my vote you definitely have my vote The vehicle is damaged quite a lot which is fine We can we can fly some more with it race is what this vehicle would be pretty dope however for flying missions I still prefer the get a Rocket ball take it's just a little bit cooler. It's it's a little bit lighter, but look at this. It's amazing Batman vehicle, it's just right over here the vigilante make sure to get it if you don't have it already and Meanwhile we're just gotta fly look at that Isn't that sick? Why didn't we fly earlier? Try to land it what and nice landing to get stuck come on.
Nope no definitely didn't get stuck here Anyway skills now is this amazing new GTA 5 DLC. If you enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like also don't forget subscribe We'll see cups tomorrow. Bye. Bye.
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